OEAD-KOEF Project 11/2020

Rural Women's Right to Access to Land in North-West Ethiopia: Challenges and Limits (WA2Land)
ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE-Project: 101083003
Originally Scheduled: September 1, 2021 - November 31, 2023 - Extended until 2025 (due to ongoing armed conflicts in the Amhara Region)
Debre Markos University (DMU), Ethiopia, and University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Austria jointly elaborated this project proposal. The key objectives of the proposed research are the reduction of gender inequalities and the improvement of women’s wellbeing in North-West Ethiopia. This will be achieved by problem-solving research. Another objective is the prolongation of the existing North-South partnership between DMU and BOKU by sharing knowledge, experience, and skills on the proposed topic.
Despite some normative and institutional set up made to prevent gender inequalities in access to land and other property, women in north-west Ethiopia are still denied human rights due to traditional and/or social customs. In the study area, the patriarchal society coupled with male-dominated systems also contributes to the violation of women’s rights.
The proposed research activities identify and analyze the challenges, limits, and status of women’s rights to access to land through empirical study. Mixed research methods of both qualitative and quantitative are employed. BOKU contributes in employing advanced research methodologies and data analysis techniques as well as sharing experiences to the community through seminars and training that are helpful to change the mindset of the community.
This research project contributes towards SDGs with a focus on gender equality (SDG 5). The research project also contributes to SDG1: No poverty; SDG 2: Zero hunger; SDG3: Good health and well-being, SDG10: reducing inequality within and among countries; SDGs 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development. The results of the research project will be disseminated using various mechanisms including but not limited to publications in reputable journals, pamphlets, local community radios and TVs and, institutional official websites, and various seminars.
Project Partners:
Debre Markos University (DMU): Ayelech Kidie MENGESHA, Mekonnen Nigusie ASFAW
BOKU-Staff involved:
Reinfried MANSBERGER (Geomatics)
- Finished:
- Workshop and Field Study in Ethiopia (March 11-20, 2023)
- Interviews, Focus Group Discussions and Review of legal documents to check if existing legal framework is sufficient for women's access to land areas (carried out by Ethiopien colleagues, April to June 2023)
- Presentation of project during Workshop "Land Rights" organised by Institute and Cluster of Development Research (BOKU University) and funded by Austrian Developing Agency
- Elaboration of the research study "Is an Existing Legal Framework Sufficient for Women’s Access to Land in Rural Areas? A Reality Check Carried out in the East Gojjam Zone of Ethiopia"
- In Progress:
- Reality Check (Interviews and Focus Group Discussions) about women's access to land areas (carried out by Ethiopien colleagues (delayed progress due to armed conflict in Amhara region)
- Elaboration of the research study "Is an Existing Legal Framework Sufficient for Women’s Access to Land in Rural Areas? A Reality Check Carried out in the East Gojjam Zone of Ethiopia"
Project Coordinator
Doris Damyanovic, Assoc. Prof. Dipl.-Ing.Dr.
- Vice Rector for Teaching, Continuing Education and Students
- Rectorate
- Assoziierte*r Professor*in (§ 94/2/2 UG)
- Institute of Landscape Planning
- doris.damyanovic@boku.ac.at
- Phone
- +43 1 47654-10041, 85415
- +43 664 78004467
- Postal address
Gregor-Mendel-Straße 33/DG
1180 Vienna - Office
Gregor-Mendel-Straße 33/DG
1180 Wien -
Peter-Jordan-Straße 65/I
1180 Wien