The objective of LANDSUPPORT is the construction of a web-based smart geoSpatial Decision Support System (S-DSS), which shall provide a powerful set of tools devoted to:
- support sustainable agriculture/forestry;
- evaluate trade-off between land uses (including spatial planning);
- contribute to implementation, impact and delivery of about 20 European land policies and also selected 2030 UN Sustainable Development Goals including climate change resilience goals and the key SDG 15.3 “achieving a land degradation-neutral world”.
This objective is achieved by the integration of already existing databases (interoperability) at different scales with the development of high performance modelling engines simulating agriculture & forestry (e.g.crop growth), land degradation and environmental issues (e.g.fate of pollutants, ecosystem services).
LANDSUPPORT is applied at four geographic scales: EU; 3 Nations (Italy, Hungary, Austria); 2 European Regions in IT and HU; 3 pilot sites in AU, IT, HU; and 2 pilot sites in Tunisia and Malaysia.
LANDSUPPORT reconciles agriculture/environmental sustainability policy ambitions with operational reality.
What is Landsupport?

How Landsupport applications can support local stakeholders in Austria
More information

Contact person
Francesco Vuolo, Priv.Doz.Dr.
- Phone
- +43 1 47654-85701, 85735
- Postal address
Peter-Jordan-Straße 82
1190 Vienna