Relevant research activities in the Rosalia forest - SCI publications since 2014
Gillespie LM, Kolari P, Kulmala L, Leitner S, Pihlatie M, Zechmeister-Boltenstern S, Díaz-Pinés E. 2024. Drought effects on soil greenhouse gas fluxes in a boreal and a temperate forest. Biogeochemistry 167(2), 155-175, |
Gillespie LM, Triches NY, Abalos D, Finke P, Zechmeister-Boltenstern S, Glatzel S, Díaz-Pinés E. 2023. Land inclination controls CO2 and N2O fluxes, but not CH4 uptake, in a temperate upland forest soil. SOIL, 9, 517-531. |
Leitner S, Feichtinger W, Mayer S, Mayer F, Krompetz D, Hood-Nowotny R, Watzinger A. 2023. UAV-based sampling systems to analyse greenhouse gases and volatile organic compounds encompassing compound-specific stable isotope analysis. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 16(2), 513-527. |
Schnecker J., Baldaszti L., Gündler P., Pleitner M., Sandén T., Simon E., Spiegel F., Spiegel H., Urbina Malo C., Zechmeister-Boltenstern S., Richter A. Seasonal dynamics of soil microbial growth, respiration, biomass, and carbon use efficiency in temperate soils. Geoderma, 440, 116693, |
Schnecker J, Spiegel F, Li Y, Richter A, Sandén T, Spiegel H, Zechmeister-Boltenstern S, Fuchslueger L. Microbial responses to soil cooling might explain increases in microbial biomass in winter. Biogeochemistry 164, 521–535 (2023). |
Netherer, S., Schebeck, M., Morgante, G., Rentsch, V., Kirisits, T., 2022. European Spruce Bark Beetle, Ips typographus (L.) Males Are Attracted to Bark Cores of Drought‐Stressed Norway Spruce Trees with Impaired Defenses in Petri Dish Choice Experiments. Forests 13. |
Pisek, J., Diaz-Pines, E., Matteucci, G., Noe, S., Rebmann, C., 2022. On the leaf inclination angle distribution as a plant trait for the most abundant broadleaf tree species in Europe. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 323. |
Fürst, J., Nachtnebel, H.P., Gasch, J., Nolz, R., Stockinger, M.P., Stumpp, C., Schulz, K., 2021. Rosalia: An experimental research site to study hydrological processes in a forest catchment. Earth System Science Data 13, 4019–4034. |
Gollob, C., Ritter, T., Kraßnitzer, R., Tockner, A., Nothdurft, A., 2021. Measurement of forest inventory parameters with apple ipad pro and integrated lidar technology. Remote Sensing 13. |
Harris, E., Diaz-Pines, E., Stoll, E., Schloter, M., Schulz, S., Duffner, C., Li, K., Moore, K.L., Ingrisch, J., Reinthaler, D., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S., Glatzel, S., Brüggemann, N., Bahn, M., 2021. Denitrifying pathways dominate nitrous oxide emissions from managed grassland during drought and rewetting. Science Advances 7, eabb7118. |
Netherer, S., Kandasamy, D., Jirosová, A., Kalinová, B., Schebeck, M., Schlyter, F., 2021. Interactions among Norway spruce, the bark beetle Ips typographus and its fungal symbionts in times of drought. Journal of Pest Science 94, 591–614. |
Gollob, C., Ritter, T., Nothdurft, A., 2020. Comparison of 3D point clouds obtained by terrestrial laser scanning and personal laser scanning on forest inventory sample plots. Data 5, 1–13. |
Gollob, C., Ritter, T., Nothdurft, A., 2020. Forest inventory with long range and high-speed Personal Laser Scanning (PLS) and Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) technology. Remote Sensing 12. |
Ritter, T., Gollob, C., Nothdurft, A., 2020. Towards an optimization of sample plot size and scanner position layout for terrestrial laser scanning in multi‐scan mode. Forests 11, 1–23. |
Vospernik, S., Nothdurft, A., Mehtätalo, L., 2020. Seasonal, medium-Term and daily patterns of tree diameter growth in response to climate. Forestry 93, 133–149. |
Gollob, C., Ritter, T., Wassermann, C., Nothdurft, A., 2019. Influence of scanner position and plot size on the accuracy of tree detection and diameter estimation using terrestrial laser scanning on forest inventory plots. Remote Sensing 11. |
Liu, D., Keiblinger, K.M., Leitner, S., Wegner, U., Zimmermann, M., Fuchs, S., Lassek, C., Riedel, K., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S., 2019. Response of microbial communities and their metabolic functions to drying–rewetting stress in a temperate forest soil. Microorganisms 7. |
Netherer, S., Panassiti, B., Pennerstorfer, J., Matthews, B., 2019. Acute Drought Is an Important Driver of Bark Beetle Infestation in Austrian Norway Spruce Stands. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 2. |
Filipović, V., Weninger, T., Filipović, L., Schwen, A., Bristow, K.L., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S., Leitner, S., 2018. Inverse estimation of soil hydraulic properties and water repellency following artificially induced drought stress. Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics 66, 170–180. |
Gollob, C., Ritter, T., Vospernik, S., Wassermann, C., Nothdurft, A., 2018. A flexible height-diameter model for tree height imputation on forest inventory sample plots using repeated measures from the past. Forests 9. |
Matthews, B., Netherer, S., Katzensteiner, K., Pennerstorfer, J., Blackwell, E., Henschke, P., Hietz, P., Rosner, S., Jansson, P.-E., Schume, H., Schopf, A., 2018. Transpiration deficits increase host susceptibility to bark beetle attack: Experimental observations and practical outcomes for Ips typographus hazard assessment. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 263, 69–89. |
Ritter, T., Nothdurft, A., 2018. Automatic assessment of crown projection area on single trees and stand-level, based on three-dimensional point clouds derived from terrestrial laser-scanning. Forests 9. |
Vospernik, S., Nothdurft, A., 2018. Can trees at high elevations compensate for growth reductions at low elevations due to climate warming? Canadian Journal of Forest Research 48, 650–662. |
Leitner, S., Minixhofer, P., Inselsbacher, E., Keiblinger, K.M., Zimmermann, M., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S., 2017. Short-term soil mineral and organic nitrogen fluxes during moderate and severe drying–rewetting events. Applied Soil Ecology 114, 28–33. |
Ritter, T., Schwarz, M., Tockner, A., Leisch, F., Nothdurft, A., 2017. Automatic mapping of forest stands based on three-dimensional point clouds derived from terrestrial laser-scanning. Forests 8. |
Keiblinger, K.M., Fuchs, S., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S., Riedel, K., 2016. Soil and leaf litter metaproteomics—a brief guideline from sampling to understanding. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 92, fiw180. |
Leitner, S., Sae-Tun, O., Kranzinger, L., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S., Zimmermann, M., 2016. Contribution of litter layer to soil greenhouse gas emissions in a temperate beech forest. Plant and Soil 403, 455–469. |
Netherer, S., Ehn, M., Blackwell, E., Kirisits, T., 2016. Defence reactions of mature Norway spruce (Picea abies) before and after inoculation of the blue-stain fungus Endoconidiophora polonica in a drought stress experiment. Forestry Journal 62, 169–177. |
Netherer, S., Matthews, B., Katzensteiner, K., Blackwell, E., Henschke, P., Hietz, P., Pennerstorfer, J., Rosner, S., Kikuta, S., Schume, H., Schopf, A., 2015. Do water-limiting conditions predispose Norway spruce to bark beetle attack? New Phytologist 205, 1128–1141. |
Schwen, A., Zimmermann, M., Leitner, S., Woche, S.K., 2015. Soil Water Repellency and its Impact on Hydraulic Characteristics in a Beech Forest under Simulated Climate Change. Vadose Zone Journal 14, vzj2015.06.0089. |
Schwen, A., Zimmermann, M., Bodner, G., 2014. Vertical variations of soil hydraulic properties within two soil profiles and its relevance for soil water simulations. Journal of Hydrology, Determination of soil moisture: Measurements and theoretical approaches 516, 169–181. |
Relevant research activities in the Rosalia forest - non-SCI publications & scientific contributions
Gillespie LM, Triches NY, Abalos D, Finke P, Zechmeister-Boltenstern S, Glatzel S, Díaz-Pinés E. Inclination controls CO2 and N2O fluxes, but not CH4 uptake, from a temperate upland forest soil. Preprint in Research Square. |
Gillespie L, Díaz-Pinés E. Report on key parameters influencing biogeochemical processes and appraisal of related eLTER RI services and tools. Deliverable D8.2 EU Horizon 2020 eLTER PLUS Project, Grant agreement No. 871128. |
Gillespie LM, Triches NY, Abalos D, Finke P, Zechmeister-Boltenstern S, Glatzel S, Díaz-Pinés E. Soil CO2, CH4 and N2O fluxes, soil and litter parameters and meteorological data from a temperate upland forest along a land inclination gradient. DATASET |
Leitner S, Díaz-Pinés E, Zimmermann M, Holtermann C, Zechmeister-Boltenstern S. Rosalia Lehrforst Austria - Soil Greenhouse Gas Flux Data DRAIN Experiment 2013-2016. DATASET |
Díaz-Pinés E, Leitner S, Holtermann C, Zechmeister-Boltenstern S. Rosalia Lehrforst Austria - Soil Greenhouse Gas flux data DRAIN Experiment 2017. DATASET |
Diaz-Pines E, Holtermann C, Zechmeister-Boltenstern S. Lehrforst Rosalia Austria - Soil greenhouse gas flux data DRAIN experiment 2019-2020. DATASET |
Goff D, Gorfer M, Kitzler B, Díaz-Pinés E. EXtreme weather events and soil greenhouse gas fluxes in Austrian FORests. Evaluating the feedbacks under global change. In LTER-Austria Conference. November 2022, Vienna. |
Díaz-Pinés, E; Goff, D; Gorfer, M; Kitzler B. (2022): EXtreme weather events and soil greenhouse gas fluxes in Austrian FORests. Evaluating the feedbacks under global change. [Klimatag 2022]. In: Climate Change Center Austria, 22. Klimatag. Pushing boundaries: Wissenschaft, Kunst, Klima. Tagungsband |
Futter, M; Alam, SA; Baatz, R; Bäck, J; Díaz-Pinés, E; Dirnböck, T; Forsius, M; Gillespie, L; Laudon, H; Mirtl, M; Poppe, C; Schaub, M; Skiba, U; Veervecken, H; Weldon, J (2022): Leveraging Research Infrastructure Co-Location to Quantify Biogeochemical, Ecological and Social Constraints on Landscape-Scale Carbon Sequestration. [5th ICOS Science Conference, Utrecht, The Netherlands] In: Integrated Carbon Observation System, ICOS Science Conference - Book of abstracts |
Gonzalez, F; Goff, D; Kitzler, B; Knohl, A; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S; Díaz-Pinés, E. (2022): Soil carbon dioxide fluxes from two Austrian forests under drying rewetting stress. [7. WABO Student Conference 2022] In: Rewald, B (Ed.), 7. WABO Student Conference 2022: Featuring future in forest and soil sciences - Book of Abstracts; ISBN: 978-3-900932-99 |
Harris, E; Díaz-Pinés, E; Stoll, E; Schloter, M; Schulz, S; Duffner, D; Li, K; Moore, KL; Ingrisch, J; Reinthaler, D; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S; Glatzel, S; Bahn, M (2022): Denitrification dominates grassland nitrous oxide emissions through drought and rewetting. [10th International Symposium on Isotopomers & 12th Isotope conference, Zürich] In: Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (EMPA), ISI - Isotopes - Book of Abstracts |
Lopez-Montoya, I; Goff, D; Kitzler, B; Gorfer, M; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S; Díaz-Pinés, E (2022): Response of methanotrophic bacteria to soil drying and rewetting in Austrian forests. [7. WABO Student Conference 2022] In: Rewald, B (Ed.), 7. WABO Student Conference 2022: Featuring future in forest and soil sciences - Book of Abstracts; ISBN: 978-3-900932-99 |
Neumann M, Echeverria S, Hasenauer H (2022) Zersetzung von Totholz. Forstzeitung 3, 9–11. |
Schnecker J, Baldaszti L, Gündler P, Pleitner M, Richter A, Sandén T, Simon E, Spiegel F, Spiegel H, Urbina Malo C, Zechmeister-Boltenstern S. Seasonal dynamics of soil microbial respiration, growth, biomass, and carbon use efficiency. EGU22-1179, EGU General Assembly 2022 |
Stampfer, K; Hasenauer, H; Diaz-Pines, E; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S. Department für Wald-und Bodenwissenschaften, Nachhaltige Forschung und Lehre im Bereich Wald und Boden. In: Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, Nachhaltig Vorausschauen - 150 Jahre Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, 750; Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, Wien; ISBN 978-3-900932-92-3 |
Stoll, E; Díaz-Pinés, E; Reinthaler, D; Radolinski, J; Schloter, M; Schulz, S; Duffner, C; Tian, Y; Wanek, W; Pötsch, E; Glatzel, S; Zechmeister-Boltenster, S; Bahn, M; Harris, E (2022): New insights into climate change-driven soil N2O production and emissions in managed montane grassland. [10th International Symposium on Isotopomers & 12th Isotope conference, Zürich] In: Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (EMPA), ISI - Isotopes - Book of Abstracts |
Triches, NY; Gillespie, L; Abalos, D; Finke, P; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S; Glatzel, S; Díaz-Pinés, E (2022): Inclination controls CO2 and N2O fluxes, but not CH4 uptake, from a temperate upland forest soil. Preprint published at Research Square. |
Díaz-Pinés, E; Gasch, J (2021): Rosalia Lehrforst AUSTRIA - Meteorological Data 2001-2020. DATASET. |
Díaz-Pinés, E; Gasch, J (2021): Rosalia Lehrforst AUSTRIA - Discharge data Grasriegelgraben 2001-2020. DATASET. |
Leitner, S; Zimmermann, M; Holtermann, C; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S; Díaz-Pinés, E (2021): Rosalia Lehrforst AUSTRIA - Soil Moisture and soil temperature data DRAIN Experiment 2013-2020. DATASET. |
Futter, M; Alam, SA; Baatz, R; Bäck, J; Diaz-Pines, E; Dick, J; Forsius, M; Gaube, V; Jones, M; Nikolaidis, N; Poppe, C; Rankinen, K; Rowe, E; Schaub, M; Skiba, U; Vereecken, H; Dirnböck, T (2021): Amplifying Signals and avoiding surprises: Potential synergies between ICOS and eLTER at the Water-Climate-Greenhouse Gas nexus. [European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2021] In: European Geosciences Union (EGU), EGU General Assembly 2021, EGU21-9567 |
Netherer, S. (2021) Towards an improved understanding of forest insect herbivore infestation. Habilitation thesis at the Institute of Forest Entomology, Forest Pathology and Forest Protection, 111p. |
Netherer S. (2021) Chemical Ecology of Norway spruce – Ips typographus interactions. IUFRO WP 7.03.16 & 7.03.05 Online seminar series on Behavioral and Chemical ecology of bark and woodboring insects |
Netherer S. (2021) Der Einfluss von Trockenstress auf den Befall von Fichtenbeständen durch Buchdrucker, Ips typographus. Online Colloquium of the Entomological Society of Austria, ÖEG; March 13, 2021. |
Stoll, E; Harris, E; Diaz-Pines, E; Reinthaler, D; Radolinski, J; Glatzel, S; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S; Pötsch, E; Bahn, M (2021): Using online N2O isotopic measurements to understand grassland N2O emission processes in a changing climate. [European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2021] In: European Geosciences Union (EGU), EGU General Assembly 2021, EGU21-5125 |
Triches, N; Gillespie, L; Abalos, D; Finke, P; Diaz-Pines, E. (2021): Effects of soil temperature, soil moisture and topography on CO2, CH4 and N2O fluxes from a temperate upland forest soil. [6. DWB Student Conference 2021: Forest and Soil Science update] In: Rewald, B (Ed.), 6. DWB Student Conference 2021: Forest and Soil Science update - Book of Abstracts; ISBN: 978-3-900932-82-4 |
Villalba, G; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S; Kandeler, E; Díaz-Pinés, E (2021): Methanotrophic soil microbial communities under extreme weather events and enhanced N inputs. [6. DWB Student Conference 2021: Forest & Soil Science update, Vienna, AUSTRIA, 17.05.2021] In: Rewald, B. (Ed.), 6. DWB Student Conference 2021: Forest & Soil Science update - Book of Abstracts; ISBN: 978-3-900932-82-4 |
Diaz-Pines, E (2020): Biogeochemical effects of repeated soil drying-wetting cycles in a beech forest. A long-term manipulation study. Institute Seminar. The French Associates Institute for Agriculture and Biotechnology of Drylands (FAAB). Be-Gurion University of the Negev, DEC 2, 2020, Midreshet Ben-Gurion, Israel |
Diaz-Pines, E; Gorfer, M; Kitzler, B (2020): Extreme weather events and soil greenhouse gas fluxes in Austrian Forests. Evaluating the feedbacks under global change. 1. Publizierbarer Zwischenbericht EXAFOR Projekt. Austrian Climate Research Program - Klima- und Energiefonds |
Netherer S (2020) Der Einfluss von Trockenstress auf den Befall von Fichtenbeständen durch Buchdrucker. Abgeschlossene und laufende Projekte. Seminar "Ips typographus Risiko-Abschätzung", Feb 11, 2020, Institut für Forstentomologie, Forstpathologie und Forstschutz, Universität für Bodenkultur Wien. |
Netherer S (2020) Does drought stress predispose Norway spruce to attack by the European spruce bark beetle, Ips typographus? Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology - Institute Seminar, Jena |
Netherer S (2020) Drought stress of Norway spruce fuels Bark Beetle Infestation. Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für allgemeine und angewandte Entomologie, March 11-14, 2019, Halle an der Saale. |
Bachlehner A., Rosner S., Kirisits T., Netherer S (2019) Stress- und bodenhydrologische Parameter im Zusammenhang mit Attraktivität trockengestresster Fichten (Picea abies) für den Buchdrucker (Ips typographus). In: Rewald, B. (Ed.), 4. Student Conference, Department of Forest and Soil Sciences, 2019 – Book of Abstracts, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU) |
Díaz-Pinés, E (2019): Greenhouse Gas Measurements at different levels: soil-plant-manure application. Training School on Measuring Greenhouse Gases in Agricultural Systems, LivAGE COST Action, MAR 29, 2019, Lugo, Spain |
Díaz-Pinés, E; Bahn, M; Dirnböck, T; Englisch, M; Gartner, K; Große Kathöfer, D; Kitzler, B; Kobler, J; Maier, A; Peterseil, J; Pröll, G; Wohner, C; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S; Glatzel, S (2019): Long-Term Ecosystem Research Infrastructure for Carbon, Water and Nitrogen (LTER-CWN). [The international Long Term Ecological Research Network 2nd Open Science Meeting, Leipzig] In: Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Book of abstracts - ILTER 2nd OSM 2019 |
Díaz-Pinés, E; Bahn, M; Dirnböck, T; Englisch, M; Glatzel, S; Kitzler, B; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S (2019): Long-Term Ecosystem Research Infrastructure for Carbon, Water and Nitrogen (LTER-CWN). [XXV IUFRO World Conference, Curitiba, Brazil] Pesquisa Florestal Brasileira, Special Issue, 208-208 |
Díaz-Pinés, E; Leitner, S; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S (2019): Effects of repeated drying-wetting cycles on the forest soil greenhouse gas emissions. A manipulation study. [XXV IUFRO World Conference, Curitiba, Brazil] Pesquisa Florestal Brasileira, Special Issue, 263-263 |
Ecker E, Zechmeister-Boltenstern S, Díaz-Pinés E, Berger T, Pötsch E (2019) Spurengas-Emissionen von Grünland- und Waldböden nach Dürre und Wiederbefeuchtung. In: 21. Alpenländisches Expertenforum. 2019. Höhere Bundeslehr- und Forschungsanstalt Raumberg-Gumpenstein, Austria. |
Netherer, S; Pennerstorfer, J; Matthews, B (2019) Trockenstress von Fichtenbeständen fördert den Schadholzanfall durch Buchdrucker, Ips typographus. In: Österreichischer Forstverein (Hrsg.), BOKU/BFW-Forschungsprojekte zum Tagungsthema, S. 13 |
Schnecker J, Simon E, Gündler P, Urbina Malo C, Baldaszti L, Sandén T, Spiegel H, Richter A. Seasonal dynamics of soil microbial carbon use efficiency – Is growth or respiration driving CUE? AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 2019 |
Schnecker J. The soil carbon pump – Are microbial growth and efficiency fueling soil C sequestration? Presentation (invited), ETH, Zurich, Switzerland, September 2019 |
Schnecker J, Simon E, Gündler P, Sandén T, Spiegel H, and Richter A. Mikrobieller Humusaufbau im jahreszeitlichen Verlauf. ALVA Jahrestagung, Klosterneuburg, Austria, May 2019 |
Schnecker J, Simon E, Gündler P, Sandén T, Spiegel H, and Richter A. Microbial growth rather than respiration drives seasonal dynamics of soil microbial carbon use efficiency. Presentation, EGU general assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 2019 |
Díaz-Pinés, E; Leitner, S; Gasch, J; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S. (2018): The Rosalia Lehrforst and the LTER Soil Research Activities. LTER-Austria Konferenz, Admont, Austria |
Díaz-Pinés, E; Leitner, S; Keiblinger, KM; Saronjic, N; Zimmermann, M; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S (2018): Impact of droughts and heavy rain on greenhouse gas emissions and soil microbial communities, ACRP Project, B368577. Final Report. Austrian Climate Research Programme |
Ecker, E; Díaz-Pinés, E; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S (2018): Influence of extreme weather events on greenhouse gas emissions from forest and grassland soils. [3. Student Conference] In: Rewald, B, 3. Student Conference, Department of Forest and Soil Sciences, Book- of Abstracts, p.44; ISBN: 978-3-900932-5 |
Fürst, J; Schulz, K; Nachtnebel, H P; Holzmann, H (2018): A forested (hydrological) experimental research watershed to study transport processes in the system of soil, water, plants and atmosphere: Test site Rosalia In: Euromediterranean Network of Experimental and Representative Basins (ERB) (Eds.), 17th Biennial Conference ERB2018 |
Leitner, S; Díaz-Pinés, E; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S (2018): Pulsed responses of soil-atmosphere CO2, CH4 and N2O fluxes to extreme rewetting events. [European Geosciences Union General Assembly] In: Copernicus, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 20, EGU2018-1025-1, 2018 |
Netherer S., Pennerstorfer J., Matthews B (2018) Trockenstress von Fichtenbeständen fördert den Schadholzanfall durch Buchdrucker [Drought stress predisposes Norway spruce stands to attack by the Eurasian spruce bark beetle]. Forstschutz Aktuell 65: 29-37. |
Netherer S., Matthews B (2018) Investigating drought impacts on the predisposition of Norway spruce to bark beetle infestation (Rosalia Roof Project revisited). Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für allgemeine und angewandte Entomologie 21: 1-6. |
Netherer S., Matthews B., Pennerstorfer S (2018) Linking bark beetle attack of Norway spruce to periods and intensity of drought. In: Società Entomologica Italiana Accademia Nazionale Italiana di Entomologia, ECE, Napoli, Book of Abstracts. |
Netherer S (2018) Water limiting conditions predisposing Norway spruce to bark beetle attack. EAB EXTEMIT-K Meeting, Mini-Symposium, March 15, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic |
Schnecker J (2018) Seasonal dynamics of soil microbial carbon sequestration. Presentation (invited), Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, USA, September 2018 |
Schnecker J (2018) Seasonal dynamics of soil microbial carbon sequestration. Presentation (invited), University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, USA, August 2018 |
Schnecker J, Kyker-Snowman E (2018) Seasonal dynamics of soil microbial carbon use efficiency, EGU general assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 2018 |
Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S., Díaz-Pinés, E., Spann, C., Hofmann, K., Schnecker, J., Reinsch, S (2018). Soil—The Hidden Part of Climate: Microbial Processes Regulating Soil–Atmosphere Exchange of Greenhouse Gases. In: Lal, R and Stewart BA (eds.). Soil and Climate. CRC Press, Boca Raton |
Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S; Diaz-Pines E; Leitner S (2017): Time and Timing in Ecological Monitoring. eLTER conference & LTER-Europe annual meeting, Malaga, Spain. |
Leitner S, Minixhofer P, Inselsbacher E, Saronjic N, Zechmeister-Boltenstern S, Zimmermann M, Díaz-Pinés E. (2017) DRAIN – Impact of Droughts and heavy RAIN on greenhouse gas emissions and soil nitrogen cycling. In 18. Klimatag (Climate Change Centre Austria), Vienna, Austria. |
Gonzalez Escolano F, Saronjic N, Zechmeister-Boltenstern S, Zimmermann M (2016): Recovery of forest soil microbial activity after multiyear precipitation manipulation experiment. [2. Rosalia Workshop, Vienna] Book of abstracts |
Gonzalez Escolano F, Saronjic N, Zechmeister-Boltenstern S, Zimmermann M (2016): How does soil microbial activity recover after a multiyear precipitation manipulation experiment? [3. Scientific Student Conference 2016 - Bio-Based Economy for a Sustainable Future Hohenheim, Stuttgart] In: 3. Scientific Student Conference 2016 - Bio-Based Economy for a Sustainable Future, Book of abstracts |
Leitner, S; Kobler, J; Zimmermann, M; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S (2016): Moisture sensitivity of soil respiration in the context of extreme dry-wet events. [Poster] [SOMmic International Workshop on Microbial Contribution and Impact on Soil Organic Matter, Structure and Genesis, Leipzig] In: Kästner, M; Thiele-Bruhn, S (Eds.), SOMmic, Program and Abstracts |
Netherer S., 2016. Effects of Drought on Bark Beetle Attack - Case Study Norway Spruce. Colloquium WSL Birmensdorf, March 1, 2016, Switzerland. |
Netherer S., Matthews B (2016) Investigating drought impacts on Norway spruce susceptibility to bark beetle infestation in the Lehrforst. Rosalia Workshop at BOKU, Vienna, Austria |
Saronjic N, Leitner S, Keiblinger K, Zechmeister-Boltenstern S, Zimmermann M (2016): Response of soil microbial communities to droughts and heavy rainfall events. [16th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, Montreal] In: International Society for Microbial Ecology, Book of Abstracts |
Saronjic N, Leitner S, Keiblinger K, Zechmeister-Boltenstern S, Zimmermann M (2016): Response of soil microbial communities to droughts and heavy rainfall events [2. Rosalia Workshop] In: Universität für Bodenkultur, Tagungsband |
Leitner, S; Kobler, J; Holtermann, C; Saronjic, N; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S; Zimmermann, M (2015): Response of Soil Respiration to Repeated Extreme Events in a Temperate Beech Forest in Austria. [American Geophysical Union (AGU), Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA] In: American Geophysical Union, Book of abstracts, B21F-0535 |
Leitner, S; Saronjic, N; Kobler, J; Holtermann, C; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S; Zimmermann, M (2015): Impact of repeated dry-wet cycles on soil CO2 efflux in a beech forest. [European Geosciences Union General Assembly] In: COPERNICUS, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, EGU2015-15130, 2015 |
Saronjic N; Leitner S; Keiblinger KM; Zechmeister-Boltenstern S; Zimmermann M (2015): How do soil microbial communities react on droughts and heavy rainfall events? [Ecology of Soil Microorganisms, Prag, Czech Republic] In: Brabcova, V; Kyselova, M; Navratilova, D; Pospisek, M; Baldrian, P (Eds.), Ecology of Soil Microorganisms Book of Abstract |
Saronjic, N; Leitner, S; Keiblinger, K; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S; Zimmermann, M (2015): How do soil microbial communities react on droughts and heavy rainfall events? [European Geosciences Union General Assembly] In: COPERNICUS, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, EGU2015-15131 |
Zimmermann, M; Leitner, S; Saronjic, N; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S (2015): Impact of manipulation experiments on soil freenhous gas fluxes at the LTER site Rosalie Lehrforst. [Joint Conference of LTER Europe and EXPEER Related Sites Group] In: LTER-Europe, Conference of LTER Europe |
Zimmermann, M; Leitner, S; Saronjic, N; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S (2015): Extreme weather events and soil greenhouse gas fluxes: what do we see by automatic chambers? [NORA ICOS workshop 2015, Götheburg] In: Nitrous Oxide Research Alliance NORA, Book of Abstracts. |
Henschke P., Netherer S., Rosner S., Hietz P (2014). Auswirkungen extremen Trockenstresses auf den Wasserhaushalt der Fichte (Picea abies (L.) Karst.). In: Hietz P., Hauser M.‐T., Kikuta S., Rosner S., Scheffknecht S., Proceedings of the 20. Tagung der Austrian Society of Plant Biology. |
Leitner, S; Kobler, J; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S; Zimmermann, M (2014): Impact of droughts and heavy rain on greenhouse gas emissions and soil microbial activities. [8th International Symposium on Ecosystem Behavior, Bayreuth, Jul 13-17, 2014] In: Bayreuther Forum Ökologie, Book of Abstracts |
Leitner, S; Zimmermann, M; Bockholt, J; Schartner, M; Brugner, P; Holtermann, C; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S (2014): Impact of repeated dry-wet cycles on soil greenhouse gas emissions, extracellular enzyme activity and nutrient cycling in a temperate forest. [European Geosciences Union General Assembly] In: COPERNICUS, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 16, EGU2014-12753, 2014 |
Leitner, S; Zimmermann, M; Holtermann, C; Keiblinger, K; Saronjic, N; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S (2014) Impact of repeated dry-wet cycles on soil CO2 efflux and extracellular enzyme activities in a beech forest. [Annual Conference of the Austrian Soil Science Society, Vienna] In: Englisch M (ed) ÖBG, Burning Issues in Soil Science |
Leitner, S; Zimmermann, M; Kobler, J; Holtermann, C; Keiblinger, K; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S (2014) Impact of repeated dry-wet cycles on soil CO2 efflux and extracellular enzyme activities in a temperate beech forest. [1st ClimMani COST action workshop, Aveiro] In: EU COST Action - ES1308, Integrating climate change experiments, data syntheses and modelling |
Netherer S (2014) Modelling the Risk of Bark Beetle Outbreaks in drought-stressed Norway Spruce stands. Global Change Research Symposium 2014, Session B: Global Change Ecology, Ostuni, Brindisi, Italy |
Netherer S., Blackwell E., Henschke P., Matthews B., Hietz P., Katzensteiner K., Kikuta S., Pennerstorfer J., Rosner S., Schume H., Schopf A (2014) Drought as a predisposing factor for bark beetle attack. In: McManus, Katherine A.; Gottschalk, Kurt W., (eds.) FHTET‐2014‐06. U.S. Department of Agriculture interagency research forum on invasive species. 101 p. |
Netherer S., Schopf A (2014) Modelling Dynamic Predisposition to Attacks by the Eurasian Spruce Bark Beetle Ips typographus. A Drought Stress ‐ Experiment: ROSALIA ROOF PROJECT, Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für allgemeine und angewandte Entomologie 19: 93‐96 |
Saronjic. N; Leitner, S; Keiblinger, K; Zechmesiter-Boltenstern, S; Zimmermann, M (2014): Impact of droughts and heavy rainfall events on soil microbial communities in a beech forest. [Annual Conference of the Austrian Soil Science Society, Vienna] In: Englisch M (ed) ÖBG, Burning Issues in Soil Science |
Matthews B., Netherer S., Blackwell EE., Hietz P., Henschke P., Kikuta S., Rosner S., Jansson PE., Schume H., Katzensteiner K., Schopf A (2013) Can Simulations of Stand Hydrology Improve Modelling of Spruce Bark Beetle Infestation Risk? In: WSL (ed.), ClimTree 2013, International Conference on Climate Change and Tree Responses in Central European Forests: Program and Abstracts. |
Netherer S., Blackwell E., Hietz P., Henschke P., Kikuta S., Rosner S., Matthews B., Schume H., Katzensteiner K., Schopf A (2013) Rosalia Roof Project: A drought stress experiment as basis for risk modelling (Ips typographus). (a) In: Wohlgemut T., Priewasser K. (eds.) Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL, ClimTree 2013 – Proceedings. (b) In: IUFRO Forest Insect Disturbance in a Warming Environment, Book of Abstracts, Banff, Canada, Sept 15-19, 2013. |