The PICUS model family in the scientific literature
Badeck, F.-W., Lischke, H., Bugmann, H., Hickler, T., Hönninger, K., Lasch, P., Lexer, M.J., Mouillot, F., Schaber, J., and Smith, B. 2001. Tree Species Composition in European Pristine Forests: Comparison of Stand Data to Model Predictions. Climatic Change 51, 307-347. Briceño-Elizondo, E., Jäger, D., Lexer, M.J., Garcia-Gonzalo, J., Peltola, H., Väisänen, H., and Kellomäki, S. 2004. Regional assessment of climate change impact on forest production, carbon sequestration and biodiversity - A Finnish case study. In: Hasenauer, H. and Mäkelä, A.(eds.): Proceedings of the International Conference on Modeling Forest Production, 19 - 22, April 2004, Vienna, Austria, 53 - 65; ISBN 3-900962-58-8. Hönninger, K. and Lexer, M.J. 2000. Implementing an object-oriented and event-controlled forest succession model. 7th Symposium on Systems Analysis in Forest Resources, Traverse City, May 28-31, 1997. USDA, Forest Service GTR NC-205. Jäger, D. 2005. Analyse der Unsicherheit in der Langfristsimulation spätglazialer und holozäner Vegetationsentwicklung in den Ostalpen. Dissertation, in Arbeit. Jäger, D., Lexer, M.J., Hönninger, K., Neubauer, Ch., Katzensteiner, K., and Blab, A. 2000. Simulated effects of ecosystem restoration measures. The potential natural vegetation approach revisited.. In: Hasenauer, H. (ed.): Ecological and Eonomical Impacts of Restoration Processes in Secondary Coniferous Forests, Proceedings of the Int. Conf. on Forest Ecosystem Restoration, 137-142. April 10-12, 2000, Vienna, Austria. ISBN 3-900962-26-X. Jäger, D., Rammer, W., and Lexer, M.J. 2004.: PICUS v2.0 a 3-dimensional physiology-based forest patch model. In: Hasenauer, H. and Mäkelä, A.(eds.): Proceedings of the International Conference on Modeling Forest Production, 19 - 22, April 2004, Vienna, Austria, 176 - 183; ISBN 3-900962-58-8. Keane, R.E., Austin, M., Field, C., Huth, A., Lexer, M.J., Peters, D., Solomon, A., and Wyckoff, P. 2001. Tree Mortality in Gap Models: Application to Climate Change. Climatic Change 51, 509-540. Kellomäki, S. and Leinonen, S. (eds.) 2005. Management of European Forests under Changing Climatic Conditions. Final Report of the Project “Silvicultural Response Strategies to Climatic Change in Management of European Forests” funded by the European Union under the Contract EVK2-2000-00723 (Silvistrat). Tiedonantoja/Research Notes No.163, University of Joensuu, Faculty of Forestry, ISBN 952-458-652-5, 427pp.
Lexer, M. J. 2001. Simulation der potentiellen natürlichen Vegetation für Österreichs Wälder. Forstliche Schriftreihe Universität für Bodenkultur, Band 16, Österreichische Gesellschaft für Waldökosystemforschung und experimentelle Baumforschung, Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, 166 pp. (in German) Lexer, M.J. and Hönninger, K. 1997. Computergestützte Simulation der Waldentwicklung. Modifizierung und Parametrisierung eines Sukzessionsmodelles für österreichische Verhältnisse. Bericht an das BM f. Land- und Forstwirtschaft, 170 S. Lexer, M.J. and Hönninger, K. 1998a. Defining the physiological amplitude of alpine tree species using the combined network of forest inventory data, soil and meteorological data. Ecologie 29(1-2), 383-387. Lexer, M.J. and Hönninger, K. 1998b. Estimating physical soil parameters for sample plots of large scale forest inventories. Forest Ecology and Management 111, 231-247. Lexer, M.J. and Hönninger, K. 1998c. Simulated effects of bark beetle infestations on stand dynamics in Picea abies stands: coupling a patch model and a stand risk model. In: Beniston, M., Innes, J.L. (eds.). The impact of climate variability on forests. Lecture notes in Earth Sciences, Vol. 74, Springer, Berlin, 329 pp. Lexer, M.J. and Hönninger, K. 2000. On the definition of the physiological amplitude of alpine tree species in forest succession models. 7th Symposium on Systems Analysis in Forest Resources, Traverse City, May 28-31, 1997. USDA, Forest Service GTR NC-205, p.444-449. Lexer, M. J. and Hönninger, K. 2001. A modified 3D-patch model for spatially explicit simulation of vegetation composition in heterogeneous landscapes. Forest Ecology and Management, 144, 43-65. Lexer, M.J. and Hönninger, K. 2004. Effects of error in model input: experiments with a forest patch model. Ecological Modelling, 173, 159-176. Lexer, M.J.; Hönninger, K. and Vacik, H. 2000. Modelling the effect of forest site conditions on the ecophysiological suitability of tree species. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 27, 393-399. Lexer, M. J.; Hönninger, K.; Scheifinger, H.; Matulla, C.; Groll, N.; Kromp-Kolb, H.; Schadauer, K.; Starlinger, F. and Englisch, M. 2001. The sensitivity of the Austrian forests to scenarios of climatic change. A large scale risk assessment. Umweltbundesamt, Monographien, Band 132, Wien. 132 pp. Lexer, M.J., Hönninger, K., Scheifinger, H., Matulla, C., Groll, N., Kromp-Kolb, H., Schadauer, K., Starlinger F., and Englisch., M. 2002. The sensitivity of Austrian forests to scenarios of climatic change: A large-scale risk assessment based on a modified gap model and forest inventory data. Forest Ecology and Management, 162, 53-72.
Lindner M., Lasch P., Badeck F., Kellomäki S. Peltola H., Gracia C., Sabate S., Jäger D., Lexer M.J., and Freeman M. 2005. Climate sensitivity of European forests evaluated with five simulation models. In: IUFRO: Sustainable forestry in theory and practice, 05.-08. April 2005, Edinburgh, UK. Price, D.T., Zimmermann, N.E., Van der Meer, P.J., Lexer, M.J., Leadley, P., Jorritsma, I.T.M., Schaber, J., Clark, D.F., Lasch, P., McNulty, S., Wu, J., and Smith, B. 2001. Regeneration in Gap Models: Priority Issues for Studying Forest Responses to Climate Change. Climatic Change 51, 475-508. Seidl R. 2004a. Evaluation of a hybrid forest patch model. Diploma Thesis at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, 98p.; Wien. Seidl R. 2004b. Response of European Mountain Forests to Abrupt Climate Change. IR-04-055, IIASA Interim Report, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg. Seidl R., Lexer M.J., Jäger D., and Hönninger K. 2004. Evaluating accuracy and generality of a modified forest patch model. In: Hasenauer, H., and Mäkelä, A.(eds.): Proceedings of the International Conference on Modeling Forest Production, 19 - 22, April 2004, Vienna, Austria, 357 - 367; ISBN 3-900962-58-8. Seidl, R., Lexer, M.J., Jäger, D. and Hönninger, K. 2005a. Evaluating the accuracy and generality of a hybrid forest patch model. Tree Physiology, 25, 939-951. Seidl R., Lexer M.J., Rammer W., and Jäger D. 2005b. Impact of Bark Beetle Infestations on Timber Production and Carbon Sequestration Under Scenarios of Climate Change. In: IUFRO: Sustainable forestry in theory and practice, 05.-08. April 2005, Edinburgh, UK. Wolfslehner B., Vacik H., Seidl, R., and Lexer M.J. 2005. Integrating the DPSIR - approach and the Analytic Network Process for the assessment of forest management strategies. In: IUFRO Conference: Sustainable Forestry in Theory and Practice, 5-8 April 2005, Edinburgh. Woltjer, M. 2005. Forest Management and Rockfall Protection Efficiency in the Alps: Evaluation of a Spatial Simulation Approach. Master Thesis, in work.
Other references used on these PICUS-pages
Botkin, D.B., Janak, J.F. and Wallis, J.R. 1972. Some ecological consequences of a computer model of forest growth. Journal of Ecology 60, 849-872.
Currie, W.S., J.K. Nadelhoffer and J.D. Aber. 1999. Soil detrital processes controlling the movement of 15N tracers to forest vegetation. Ecological Applications, 9, 87-102.
Farquhar, G.D. and Von Caemmerer, S. 1982. Modelling of photosynthetic response to environmental conditions. In: Encyclopaedia of Plant Physiology, Vol. 12B. Physiological Plant Ecology II: Water Relations and Carbon Assimilation (eds O. Lange, P. Nobel, C.B. Osmond and H. Ziegler), pp.549-587. Springer Verlag, Berlin.
Federer, C.A. 1979. A Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Model for Transpiration and Availability of Soil Water. Water Resources Research 15 (3), 555-562.
Landsberg, J.J. and R.H. Waring. 1997. A generalized model of forest productivity using simplified concepts of radiation-use efficiency, carbon balance and partitioning. Forest Ecology and Management, 95, 209-228.
Lasch, P., Badeck, F.-W., Lindner, M. and Suckow, F. 2002. Sensitiivity of Simulated Forest Growth to Changes in Climate and Atmospheric CO2. Forstwissenschaftliches Centralblatt 121, Supplement 1, 155-171.
Leuning, R. 1995. A critical appraisal of a combined stomatal-photosynthesis model for C3 plants. Plant, Cell and Environment 18, 339-355.
Lexer, M.J. 1995. Beziehungen zwischen der Anfälligkeit von Fichtenbeständen (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) für Borkenkäferschäden und Standorts- und Bestandesmerkmalen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Wasserversorgung. Dissertation, University of Natural Resource Management and Applied Life Sciences (BOKU) Vienna. 210 p. (in German)
Mäkelä, A. 1986. Implications of the Pipe Model Theory on Dry Matter Partitioning and Height Growth in Trees. Journal of Theoretical Biology 123, 103-120.
Netherer, S. and Nopp-Mayr, U. 2005. Predisposition assessment systems (PAS) as supportive tools in forest management – rating of site and stand-related hazards of bark beetle infestation in the High Tatra Mountains as an example for system application and verification. Forest Ecology and Management 207: 99-107.
Netherer, S.; Pennerstorfer, J.; Baier, P.; Schopf, A. and Führer, E. 2004. Modellierung der Entwicklung des Fichtenborkenkäfers, Ips typographus L. als Grundlage einer umfasenden Risikoanalyse. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für allgemeine und angewandte Entomologie 14: 277-282. (in German)
Norby, R.J., Ogle, K., Curtis, P.S., Badeck, F.-W., Huth, A., Hurtt, G.C., Kohyama, T. and Peñuelas, J. 2001. Aboveground growth and competition in forest gap models: an analysis for studies of climate change. Climatic Change 51, 415-447.
Shugart, H.H. 1984. A theory of forest dynamics. The ecological implications of forest succession models. Springer, New York, 278pp.