Institute's principles
- We enhance the Institute's areas of expertise by working on current research questions. This work is characterized by using innovative methods, an international focus, interdisciplinary work and a problem oriented attitude.
- We maintain international contacts and academic exchange through the hosting of scientists and foreign students, by participating in international committees, attending conferences as well as by cooperating with other research institutions. Applied cooperative research projects with partners in developing countries and the advice of scientific institutions are part of our international activities.
- Results of our research and development activities are presented in seminars and publications to the general public. Besides this they are constantly used to improve the institute's scientific knowledge and are integrated into our teaching and other education activities.
- The institute's primary objective in teaching is to ensure that students acquire the capabilities needed for an ecosystem-based approach to forest management. They should be able to maintain, regenerate, tend and harvest stands. Results of our research and development activities are integrated into our courses.
- We support students during the realization of their theses (Master, Bachelor and Seminar thesis) and convey holistic approaches and creative scientific solutions to them.
- Employees of the Institute contribute to the self-governance of the University and co-create thus the general framework for research and education.
- The core of the human resource policy of the Institute is to promote the personal development of the institute's staff by supporting attendance to conferences, seminars, workshops and individual appraisal interviews.
- We are committed to a respectful communication with each other. Due to the high personal commitment of our employees we are capable of extraordinary team- and individual performances.
- We respect and follow the scientific and ethical rules of the "Scientific Community" and are committed to perform our scientific work on a high level.
- We continuously improve our processes to the benefit of our stakeholders. Wishes, suggestions and complaints made by involved parties as well as our self-reflection and regular internal audits serve as the basis for this improvement.