Master & PhD-Students
- Baykalov, Pavel
Automating UHD RGB und hyperspectral imaging by minirhizotron camera systems and image analysis pipelines
Supervisor: Boris Rewald, Ivika Ostonen (Univ. Tartu), Gernot Bodner
- Behringer, Maximilian
Supervisor: Klaus Katzensteiner
- Fasano, Enrichetta
Supervisor: Helmut Schume
- Fitzky, Anne
Urban trees and air pollution: Effect of drought and salt stress on the production of VOC and absorption of ozone by different city trees
Supervisor: Hans Sandén (Rewald, Godbold)
- Gadermaier, Josef
On the role of soil and hydraulic tree architecture for drought stress response and water balance in different forest ecosystems under altered climatic conditions
Supervisor: Klaus Katzensteiner
- Gasser, Lisa
Effects of soil compactiion on roots and soil microbial communities
Supervisor: Boris Rewald
- Harmel, Jerneja
Supervisor: Georg Gratzer
- Horvath, Sophia-Marie
Supervisor: Georg Gratzer
- Lan, Hangyu
Cold tolerance of ectomycorrhizal fungi
Supervisor: Douglas Godbold
- Lambropoulos, Marie
Einfluss vom Pflanzmethoden und Bodenzuschlagsstoffen auf das Wachstum bzw. die Überlebenswahrscheinlichkeit von Baumsetzlingen
Supervisor: Boris Rewald
- Muck, Peter
Influence of cover crops and “biodiversity fields” on the soil enzymatic activity and soil N and C fluxes.
Supervisor: Boris Rewald (Bodner)
- Oberklammer, Iris
Supervisor: Georg Gratzer
- Perzl, Martina
Supervisor: Georg Gratzer
- Steinparzer, Mathias
Capture of fine particular matter and pollen by trees: implications for human health
Supervisor: Douglas Godbold
- Werner, Ramona
Supervisor: Hans Sandén
- Bouissou, Christina
Climate change on tree performance (an der BFW).
Supervisor: Douglas Godbold, Silvio Schueler (BFW)
- Braunstingl, Roman
Forstliche Standortskartierung Revier Mitterwald, Arbesthaler Hügelland
Supervisor: Herbert Hager
- Covanti, Daniel
Die feuerökologischen Auswirkungen von Bestandeslücken auf einer Brandfläche in den nördlichen Kalkalpen
Supervisor: Georg Gratzer
- Detic, Jelena
Effects of tree species mixtures on root traits
Supervisor: Boris Rewald
- Dirnberger, Albert
Relation of plant communities, soil properties and microtopography at alpine environments - Schrankogel, Tirol
Supervisor: Boris Rewald
- Eidenmüller, Nico
Supervisor: Georg Gratzer
- Frottier, Naemi
Insektendiversität in B- tree
Supervisor: Boris Rewald
- Gotthardt, Alexander
Indoor air quality - Ozone absorption by orchids
Supervisor: Boris Rewald
- Groendahl, Annesophie
Supervisor:Hans Sandén (Boris Rewald)
- Hechenblaikner, Florian
Supervisor: Douglas Godbold
- Hörzinger, Fritz
Influence of competition on plant traits and ecosystem respiration
Supervisor: Boris Rewald (Mayer)
- Kotsia, Robin Mikaela
Ectomycorrhizal decomposition traits along a chronosequence
Supervisor: Douglas Godbold, Rasmus Kjøller (University of Copenhagen)
- Nebauer, Tanja
Determining grassland primary productivity with a decision support system
Supervisor: Hans Sandén
- Roth, Romana
Effect of tree diversity on the diversity of flying and aquatic insects
Supervisor: Boris Rewald
- Salhofer, Leonard
Supervisor: Helmut Schume
- Schaubmayr, Johanna
Ökosystemleistungen von Bäumen - Partikeladsorption von Blättern
Supervisor: Boris Rewald
- Schrötter, Anna
Humus als ökologischer Indikator
Supervisor: Klaus Katzensteiner, Co-Betreuer Michael Englisch
- Spitzer, Antonia
Influence of soil amendements on tree survival rates
Supervisor: Boris Rewald
- Teuchert, Hanna
Pflanzverfahren im forstlichen Management
Supervisor: Boris Rewald
- Vazquez, Paulina
Water use efficiency of diverse woodlands vs. monocultures
Supervisor: Boris Rewald