We investigate, how environmental changes influence organisms and ecosystem functions. We are especially interesting on effects of agricultural management measures (e.g. tillage, crop rotation, mowing, fertilising, pesticide applications) and impacts of global changes (e.g. elevated atmospheric CO2, ultraviolet-B radiation, rainfall and temperature variations, invasive species). We use mainly comparative-experimental approaches and conduct our studies at different complexity levels in the laboratory, green house and in the field. In field studies we often also assess to what extent the surrounding landscape influences organismic reaction at the field level. We use a broad array of methods from hands-on traditional to more sophisticated methods: measuring abundances and activities of organisms, tracing with stable isotopes, nutrient analyses, DNA-sequencing, next generation sequencing, citizen science.
Research group
Anthony Deuel
Anthony Deuel
Master programme Organic Agricultural Systems and Agroecology
Thesis title: Impact of vineyard management systems on earthworm diversity and density in and around Vienna
Carolin Donat
Carolin Donat
Master programme Sustainability in Agriculture, Food Production and Food Technology in the Danube Region
Thesis title: Assessing the potential environmental impact of fungicide use on honeybees, earthworms, birds, fish and humans in Austria from 2010-2019
Chiara Fedrigotti
Chiara Fedrigotti
Doctoral studies of Natural Resouces and Life Sciences
Thesis title: Explore the potential of Citizen Science data for the monitoring and conservation of NATURA 2000 species
Co-supervisors: Florian Heigl (BOKU), Daniel Dörler (BOKU), Paolo Pedrini (Conservation Biology Unit, MUSE-Science Museum of Trento), Andrea Sforzi (Maremma Natural History Museum)
Master programme Environment and Bio-Resources Management
Thesis title: Die Veränderung der Spritzmittelaustragung des österreichischen Erdäpfelanbaus in den Jahren 2009 bis 2017 sowie dessen Treibhausgasemissionen und Auswirkungen auf Regenwürmer
Yoko Muraoka
Yoko Muraoka
Technical assistant
Regina Rinner
Regina Rinner
Master programme Organic Agricultural Systems and Agroecology
Thesis title: Regenwurmgemeinschaften in Oberösterreichs Agrarökosystemen
Marion Schitzenhofer
Marion Schitzenhofer
Master programme Agricultural and Food Economy
Thesis title: Non-target effects of the fungicide fluopyram on cover crops (Cornflower, Italian clover) and soil organisms
Antonia Staudacher
Antonia Staudacher
Master programme Environment and Bio-Resources Management
Thesis title: Hidden and externalised costs of pesticide use in Austria
Master programme Organic Agricultural Systems and Agroecology Thesis title: The earthworm population in Waldviertel region and their role as bioindicators for soil quality.