As an employee of BOKU, you can enjoy the following additional fringe benefits and advantages:
Medical Service
Occupational physician with personal consultation hours at three locantions as wel as annual vaccination campaigns against TBE and influenza.
Occupational psychology advice
Anonymous, free one-on-one psychological counseling for all BOKU employees.
Working time flexibility (taking operational requirements into account)
Flexible working time models with consideration for private interests and obligations within certain limits - without jeopardizing operational requirements.
Partial retirement
Opportunity to take advantage of partial retirement in accordance with statutory provisions.
Corporate Health Management
Health promotion, health maintenance and health restoration (e.g. exercise offers and courses, vitality brunch, health day, health circles, shiatsu at work,...). Advice and services on health-related topics for all BOKU employees.
Annual one to two-day educational trip (organized by the works council).
Geförderter Kaufpreis (über 50% Förderung) und besonders attraktive Konditionen.
Travel allowance for commuters
Additional payment of a travel allowance on top of the commuter allowance.
Flexible working hours
Flexible organization of working hours (beginning & end) with the flextime framework.
Opportunity to work from home to enable a better compatibility of work, family and leisure time.
Equal participation in working and study life without discrimination of people with and without disabilities.
Internal training program
Attractive, wide-ranging and varied training program to further develop professional, methodical and social skills.
Childcare / KinderBOKU
Regular child care by the parent-managed association BOKU Kindergarten, 3-week summer care for school children in July and care for special occasions.
Pension fund
Additional company pension scheme (as a supplement to the statutory pension) for BOKU employees*, which includes old-age, disability and survivor's pensions.
*with a classification according to KV who have been working at BOKU for more than 2 years
Discounts and special conditions for BOKU employees
Perks, discounts and special conditions at various companies (canteen, pharmacies, etc.) as well as the opportunity to shop in wholesale markets (Hausmann, Kastner & Metro).
Christmas vouchers
Annual distribution* of Christmas vouchers to general staff.
*subject to financial coverability
Reintegration part-time
Opportunity to return to work after a long-term illness in the form of part-time reintegration.
Additional non-working days
Additional days off: Good friday, 24. & 31. December Additional free half-days: 2. November (All Souls' Day) from 12 noon