Monday, 24 of February 2025 [14:00 - 16:00]

The seminar is addressed to postdocs and senior scientists.


Information for applicants for the ERC STARTING & CONSOLIDATOR grants

Important information: The ERC Synergy and Proof-of-Concept will not be
presented within this seminar


The speakers will present an overview of the following aspects:

  • Different ERC schemes available for Researchers
  • Which costs can an ERC cover?
  • What are the PI eligibility criteria?
  • What are the evaluation criteria?
  • How to organize your research proposal?
  • How can FoS support you?
  • How can an ERC help you in securing a permanent university position?


Presentation, Discussion, Questions & Answers

Group size: max. 20 participants

The workshop will take place at Schulungsraum Cieslar-Haus/ SR 01, EG, Peter-Jordan-Str. 70, 1190 Vienna.

Dr. Olivier Guillaume
Research Support, Innovation & Technology Transfer (Project Support)

External speakers from FFG

Info for registration

Registration only via  BOKU online (Login is necessary) --> Services --> BOKU's-Trainingpassport/Trainings

The participation is free of charge.
Please note our terms and conditions.