UH 794 755 PhD-Studium "Biomolecular Technology of Proteins (BioToP)"

Brief description
Ability to carry out independent scientific work as well as to train and promote young scientists in the field of biomolecular technology of proteins.
The PhD programme "Biomolecular Technology of Proteins" develops the ability to carry out independent scientific work as well as to train and promote young scientists in the field of biomolecular technology of proteins.
Graduates of the PhD programme "Biomolecular Technology of Proteins" are awarded the academic degree PhD (Doctor of Philosophy).
Admission to the doctoral programme
(1) Prerequisites for admission to the PhD programme "Biomolecular Technology of Proteins" are:
- admission to the doctoral school "Biomolecular Technology of Proteins"
- the completion of a diploma or master's degree in natural or engineering sciences, or a degree in medicine/veterinary medicine, or
- the completion of a study programme at a recognised domestic or foreign post-secondary educational institution that is equivalent to the studies mentioned in para. 1 lit. b), or
- the completion of a domestic degree programme at a "Fachhochschule" [University of Applied Sciences] that is by law equivalent to the studies mentioned in para. 1 lit. b).
(2) If there is general equivalence with only individual supplements to full equivalence missing, the Rectorate is entitled to combine the admission with the specification of examinations to be taken during the doctoral programme in addition to the regular oral part of the doctoral examination.
(3) The admission according to para. 1 lit. c) of graduates of foreign post-secondary educational institutions shall require the proof of direct admission to doctoral studies in the country of issue of the certificate by which the general university entrance qualification is proven.
(4) The admission is granted by the Rector of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna.
Duration and organisation
(1) The PhD programme in "Biomolecular Technology of Proteins" comprises at least 180 ECTS consisting of at least 42 ECTS doctoral coursework and at least 138 ECTS for the dissertation. The degree programme is not divided into study sections.
(2) If admission is granted pursuant to § 2 para. 1 lit. d), the scope of the doctoral studies shall be increased in accordance with the relevant legal provisions.
(3) After admission to the doctoral programme, the applicant shall register the dissertation project with the Dean of Studies within one year. This registration has to include:
- Title of the dissertation topic,
- Naming a supervisor,
- Submission of a work plan approved by the supervisor detailing the advisory team as well as the time and resource plan,
- Proposal for doctoral courses.
Registration of the doctoral project
Amendment of approved doctoral courses
Additional registration of doctoral courses
UH 794 755
6 Semester - 180 Credits
Abschließender Titel:
Study Programme Coordinator
Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing.Dr. Lukas Mach
Curricular committee