Master's programme Biotechnology

Becoming future experts in the biotechnology industry!

Humanity is facing major challenges: from multi-drug-resistant pathogens to climate change and the global pandemics of the future – we need scientists that can think outside the box and combine multidisciplinary expertise to create solutions for a better tomorrow.

The master’s programme in biotechnology offers you exactly that: a broad foundation and a range of specializations.

  • Through courses in biochemistry, microbiology, molecular biology and bioprocess engineering, you will gain insight into the scientific foundations of practical biochemical development.
  • To dive deeper into a specific field of research, you can choose one of six optional specializations, allowing for profound expertise in a topic that suits your skill set.
  • On top, BOKU University believes in the value of a student's personal development: Educators promote critical thinking, teamwork and interdisciplinary understanding.

Choose our master’s programme to work on the biotechnological innovations of the future!

Why biotechnology?

Today’s students will be tomorrow's leaders tackling the biggest questions in science ­– think antibiotics crisis, future risc of pandemics or a biotechnological approach to climate change. A master's programme in biotechnology equips you with the tools to drive the necessary innovations in these critical areas. With the issues at hand being multi-facetted, only an interdisciplinary approach enables scientists to grasp the whole picture and think outside the box. Covering a field that overlaps between biological sciences, chemistry and process technology, the master’s programme in biotechnology does just that – so that you have in-depth knowledge for a future career in research or applied industry.

A hands-on master’s programme at BOKU

BOKU University's Biotechnology Master's programme has been designed to prepare students for both research and a career in industry. The Master's programme not only supports the deepening of specialist knowledge, but also the development of practical skills through various laboratory exercises, a compulsory internship in industry and excursions to potential future employers. This broad range of skills is rounded off by a practice-orientated Master's thesis, in which you have to collect data for at least six months and process and discuss it using the latest scientific findings.

Basic Data

Programm classification no.: UH 066 418
Duration: 4 Semester
ECTS: 120 Credits
Degree: Dipl.-Ing.
Language: English


Course list
Equivalence catalogue


 Univ.Prof. Dr. Gerald Striedner
Univ.Prof. Dr. Gerald Striedner
DNA Strang
Frauen im Labor
Labor BOKU

You will learn to...

  • …draw on consolidated interdisciplinary knowledge of biotechnological processes and related areas such as biophysical chemistry, biochemistry, cell- and molecular biology, nanobiosciences, biostatistics and process engineering.
  • …utilize organisms, cells, and enzymes to manufacture, process, and prepare products from biogenic raw materials for societal and environmental benefit.
  • …develop, construct, analyse and improve biotechnological products.
  • …supervise, evaluate and enhance manufacturing processes and organisational structures in biotechnology and related areas.
  • …apply scientific methodology as well as develop and assess relevant techniques to conduct independent scientific research.
  • ...develeop or apply concepts of quality management and relevant social scientific, economic and legal principles,
  • rules and regulations
  • ...effectively communicate the results of your research and assume leadership roles within teams.
  • …keep your knowledge state-of-the-art by following ongoing developments in biochemistry and relevant related fields by critically evaluating scientific literature.
  • …apply valuable soft-skills such as independent, critical, and logical thinking, abstract reasoning, communication, teamwork as well as the ability to reflect on ethical and social responsibilities.

Structure of the Master’s programme

1. Laying the foundations: The three-pillar principle is the central identifying characteristic of both the bachelor’s and master’s programmes offered at BOKU university in Vienna.  While the master’s thesis, compulsory internship and free electives are excluded from the three-pillar rule, in all master’s programmes, the sum of the compulsory and elective courses must be made up of at least

  • 15% Technology and engineering
  • 15% Natural sciences
  • 15% Economic and social sciences, law

2. Diving deeper: The specialisation phase allows you to choose one of six fields of research. The compulsory modules provide advanced theoretical and methodological skills in the chosen specialisation. You will also have the opportunity to choose elective modules to expand further on specific areas.

3. Project work: The thesis phase centers on work on a research problem rooted in your chosen specialisation. During the master seminar, you will gain additional skills and training in presentation techniques.

Please see the curriculum for further detail.


In addition to the qualification profile stated above, students have the possibility to complete one of six optional specialisations:

  1. Bioinformatics enables you to understand, critically evaluate and utilise scientific methods from the fields of bioinformatics, biostatistics, and molecular simulation. Additionally, it focuses on the development of experimental designs and complex computer analyses.
  2. Bioprocess Engineering works towards a broad and in-depth understanding of biotechnological production processes, encompassing both their biological and technical elements. The programme also covers the development and operation of up- and downstream processes in detail.
  3. Medical Biotechnology, offered in cooperation with the Medical University of Vienna, centers on the design, development and production of biotechnological products relevant for medical application.
  4. Plant Biotechnology expands on the fields of plant sciences, molecular biology and biochemistry. This theoretical foundation serves as a basis for the practical development and enhancement of the entire process of utilising plants for industrial and medical purposes.
  5. Environmental Biotechnology focuses on biotechnological procedures for the treatment of waste streams and environmental contamination. Furthermore, they know how to avoid the development of future environmental problems and pollution.
  6. Protein Engineering and Technology provides practical training in protein analysis, simulation techniques, protein engineering, and biocatalysis to enable engineers to develop biomolecules for biocatalytic, bioanalytic, and biomedical applications.
Kreislauf Karriere
Frau hält Jungpflanze

Career prospects: efficient and eco-friendly biotechnology

The Master’s programme qualifies you to pursue the following professional activities:

  • Teaching and research in inter- and transdisciplinary biochemistry and -technology at university level, public and private research and educational institutions, both at national and international level.
  • Developing and implementing innovative methods of biotechnological research, drawing on cutting-edge computer analyses and efficient experimental designs for the public sector or chemical and pharmaceutical industry.
  • Research, testing and quality control for organisations of the public sector such as interest groups, research- and testing institutions or certification offices.
  • Managing and transforming systems of private and public resource usage towards shaping a sustainable future and reducing environmental contamination in advisory and consulting firms.
  • Planning, controlling and monitoring of biotechnological manufacturing processes in industry ranging from the fabrication of medicine and food to industrial raw materials.
  • Managing complex organisational units in the field of biochemistry, such as small start-ups, established private firms, NGOs or the public sector in national or international settings. The master’s programme’s focus on international relations through exchange programmes and foreign language modules opens up opportunities globally.

Admission requirements

The proof of English knowledge at level B2 (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) must be provided.

Graduates of the bachelor’s programme in Food Science and Biotechnology offered by BOKU – University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna are eligible for admission with no further requirements.

For graduates of other bachelor’s programmes, mastery of the following learning outcomes is required for admission:

  • Competence in mathematical, physical, chemical, biological, process technological, legal and economic foundations on an advanced theoretical and practical level as far as this is essential for biotechnological processes.
  • The ability to choose and evaluate biological and engineering principles and methods for the production of resources or for the disposal of specific substances.
  • Practical skills in organic and inorganic chemistry, in biochemistry, cell and molecular biology as well as process engineering.
  • Basic IT knowledge, text and data processing, statistical programmes, biotechnologically relevant databases and bioinformatics software.
  • Knowledge of basic concepts of quality management and codes of good manufacturing practice.
  • Comprehension of scientific, technical, social, economic and legal aspects to biotechnological applications.
  • Familiarity with ethical concepts in the context of biotechnology.

How to apply




Tel.: +43 1 47654-10430



Why study at BOKU?

At BOKU University different competences of natural sciences, technology and socioeconomics are combined. The 3-pillar principle serves to solve interdisciplinary issues and is the central identification feature of the Bachelor's and Master’s programmes. In the Master’s programmes, the content of the compulsory and elective modules, based on the entire curriculum (except for the master's thesis), are assigned to the following areas with a minimum share of 15% each:

  • Technology and Engineering
  • Natural Sciences
  • Economic and Social Sciences, Law

The BOKU University is a leading university in the field of interdisciplinary sustainability research in the German-speaking world. It has a manageable size and therefore offers students good faculty support to thrive individually – and it is located in Vienna, one of the most livable cities in the world.

Home to world-class research

BOKU has made a deliberate effort not to define its own range of competencies along strict disciplinary lines. Its research is instead organised into six interdisciplinary competence areas. What sets biotechnology research at BOKU apart from others like it is that the entire range of relevant organisms is used, including the analysis of cell surfaces and biofilms, metabolism and cell engineering, discovery and classification of bioactive metabolites.

On top of this, new research areas in relation to bioprocess engineering, nanobiotechnology and bio interfaces are being pursued and expanded. Picture working on gene therapy vehicles, vaccines, and 3D cell cultures.

All of this takes place in top-notch facilities. The Austrian Centre of Industrial Biotechnology, for example, develops sustainable, environmentally friendly, and economically and technically advanced processes, also contributing towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals.