UH 066 502 Master programme Erasmus Mundus Master Program in Plant Breeding (emPLANT+)

Brief description

This master programme will give students a multidisciplinary training of modern plant improvement techniques including management and social aspects thus prepare graduates for leading positions in the seed and plant breeding sector.

This two years masters‘ programme (120 ECTS) is offered by a consortium of six leading European universities in the field of plant sciences in order to face the challenges of global changes such as population growth and climate change.

The complementarity of the consortium members in terms of specializations, working methods, climatic specificities and collaboration partners produces a programme that could not be offered by one organization alone. The wealth of knowledge and expertise in the fields of plant breeding, plant biology, seed technology, biotechnology of emPLANT+ is unique in the world.

emPLANT+ aims at providing students interested in Plant Breeding with excellent training in science, management, law, languages and soft skills that are needed in this field by the Seed Industry and Research Institutes.

Structure of the international emPLANT+ programme

emPLANT+ is an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Plant Breeding organized by a consortium of six Universities and Graduate Schools across Europe :

emPLANT+ students conduct the major part of their training at two institutions of the consortium. emPLANT+ offeres a range of options to choose your preferred mobility track.

Admission requirements

Graduates of the bachelor’s programme(s) in Agricultural Sciences offered by BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna are eligible for admission with no further requirements.

For graduates of other bachelor’s programmes (min. 180 ECTS), mastery of the following learning outcomes is required for admission:

  • Knowledge and skills in the basics of agricultural sciences, i.e. chemistry, physics, mathematics or statistics, botany or plant sciences, microbiology, genetics and economics.
  • Knowledge and skills in the basics of plant production, i.e. plant production, plant nutrition, plant pathology, plant breeding.

Career prospects

The development and release of new varieties, along with associated activities, is one of the fields of technology with greater projection and foreseeable demand in the future.

emPLANT has been developed to respond to the needs of the seed and plant companies in terms of knowledge and competences.

The contacts with the seed industry and associated structures during the two years (lectures, visits, internships) will facilitate the students’ job insertion..

Info & Support


UH 066 502

4 Semester - 120 Credits

Abschließender Titel:


First Steps...

Study Programme Coordinator

 Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing.Dr.nat.techn. Hermann Bürstmayr
Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing.Dr.nat.techn. Hermann Bürstmayr

Curricular committee AW


Ass.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Alfons Willam
The subject-specific study commission is responsible for overseeing curriculum development.