Academic Studies & Teaching (Regular Study Programs)
Essential Documents in the Field of Academic Studies & Teaching (Regular Study Programs)
You are in the section "Academic Studies & Teaching (Regular Study Programs)" of BOKU's Document Collection. Here BOKU staff members can find a compilation of essential documents on this topic.
Study Program
Principals of University Education
European and international principals
- ECTS User's Guide 2015
- Standards and Guidelines for quality assurance in the European higher education area (ESG, 2015)
Principals at BOKU
- Mission statement for teaching and learning at BOKU University
- Charta of Ethics (March 2015)
- CDR Doctoral Study Manual
Organization of Study Programs
- Open Educational Resources Policy (OER, 2024)
- Statutes: III. Section: University / Matriculation Law Provisions (Oct. 2010)
- Dates and Timetable
- Guidelines of the Rectorate Regarding Student Fees (1.10.2009)
- Guidelines of the Rectorate Regarding the Period Extension of the Student Fee Waiver for Student Representatives (valid from 1.2.2013)
Curriculum Development
Bachelor & Master Study Programs
- Sample Curricula for Bachelor Study Programs (German), Master Study Programs (German and English)
- Differentiability of Master Study Programs
- Guidelines - Individual Bachelor Study Programs
- Guidelines - Individual Master Study Programs
- Guidelines for Curriculum Development and Quality Assurance of Joint Master Programs (2nd Edition)
Doctoral Programs
- Guidelines for the Implementation of Doctoral Curricula at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (Dr.nat.techn.) and Social and Economic Sciences (Dr.rer.soc.oec.) at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Which Are Effective as of October 1, 2006
- Guidelines for the Implementation of the PhD Curriculum "Biomolecular Technology of Proteins" at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna Effective as of October 1, 2010
- Guidelines for the Implementation of the Doctoral Curriculum "International Graduate School in Nanobiotechnology (IGS-BioNano)" at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna Effective as of October 1, 2011
Development and Adaptations of Curricula
- Plan of Procedures for the Development and Adaptation of Curricula and Further Education Programs at the University
Access to Higher Education
- Statutes:
III. Section: University / Matriculation Law Provisions (Oct. 2010) - Regulation by the Rectorate of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Regarding Registration of University Applicants for Bachelor and Master Study Programs (Preregistration Regulation)
-> Amendments Registration Regulation - Regulation by the Rectorate Regarding University Entrance Examinations (Studienberechtigungsprüfung)
Examination System
- Statutes: III. Section: University / Matriculation Law Provisions (Oct. 2010)
Sample Curricula for Bachelor / Master Study Programs - Examinations and Assessment - Decentralized Management
- Provisions Regarding University Courses with Immanent Examinations (19.1.2011)
Final Theses
- Statutes:
- Guideline for the Defense of a Master Thesis
- Evaluation Form for the
Master Thesis and Defense - Guidelines Regarding Quality Assurance of Good Scientific Practice (12.5.2009)
- Plagiarism Checker Software
- Abstracts of Master and Diploma Theses as well as Dissertations
Process Description of the Student Registration Office (Studienabteilung), including information on ...
- Application for Admission to University Studies
- Admission to a Degree Program or Doctoral Study Program
- Individual Study Programs
- Stipulation of Study Fees
- Examinations and Recognition of Examinations
- Graduation and Academic Ceremonies
- Student Awards