PICUS applications
PICUS applications
The following section gives an overview of past and current applications of the PICUS model family to demonstrate fields of model use:
- Model evaluation and model comparison (Badeck et al. 2001, Price et al. 2001, Keane et al. 2001, Seidl et al. 2005a)
- Simulation of the potential natural vegetation for Austria’s forests (Lexer 2001, Lexer and Hönninger 2001)
- The sensitivity of Austrian forests to climate change (Lexer et al. 2001, Lexer et al. 2002)
- Simulation of the effects of ecosystem restoration measures (Jäger et al. 2000)
- Assess the impact of abrupt climate change on mountain forests (Seidl 2004b)
- Long-term simulation of the late-glacial and holocene forest succession in the Eastern Alps (Jäger 2005)
- Simulation of well-structured multi-species forests under a target diameter harvest regime (Seidl 2004b, Seidl et al. 2005a)
- Implications of bark beetle infestations on timber production and carbon sequestration under climate change (Seidl et al. 2005b)
- Analysis of management strategies with regard to sustainable multi-purpose forestry considering climate change and carbon sequestration (IFORCAM-Projekt of the BMLFUW)
- Integrated Carbon sink enhancement assessment (EU-FP6 project INSEA http://www.iiasa.ac.at/Research/FOR/INSEA/index.html)
- Assessing silvicultural response strategies to climatic change in management of European forests (EU-project "Silvistrat") (Kellomäki and Leinonen 2005)
- Assessment of forest management strategies with regard to rockfall protection (Woltjer 2005)
- Integration of forest ecosystem models into a multi-criteria decision framework with regard to sustainable forest management (Wolfslehner et al. 2005)