The targets of biological waste treatment are to produce either a high-quality product (e.g. composting of separately collected biogenous wastes) or a well stabilised waste for landfilling (mechanic-biological treatment, MBT). Based on the scientific mechanisms of degradation of organics the institute of waste management (ABF-BOKU) is working on the optimisation of biological processes. Our advanced methods for examination and analysis allow a full quality assurance of the final products. A special focus of our investigations is the interaction between organic and mineral components, nitrogen dynamics and the long term development of organic components under landfill conditions or after compost application. Especially the estimation of long-term fixed carbon (carbon sequestration including quantification) is subject of current research. Particular interest at ABF-BOKU is the definitionand specification of compost quality by its positive effects (humus content). The compliance of limit values for pollutants or physical contaminants as minimum requirement is self-evident. Contact: Erwin Binner, MSc Humus - A quality criterion for composts
Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)
A new evaluation tool and its application in practice
Institute of Waste Management (ABF-BOKU)
Department of Water, Atmosphere and Environment
BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna