Master and PhD-theses
Master Thesis
The sound of rivers – a trigger for riverine biota?
The master thesis will be conducted in the frame of the FWF project “The sound of rivers – a trigger for riverine biota?”. One aim of this project is to analyze effects of soundscapes as a potential trigger of fish behavior in respect to hydrological changes. [2022-01-24]
Master Thesis
The sound of rivers – a trigger for riverine biota?
The master thesis will be conducted in the frame of the FWF project “The sound of rivers – a trigger for riverine biota?”. One aim of this project is to analyze effects of soundscapes as a potential trigger of fish behavior in respect to hydrological changes.
Master Thesis
Benthic invertebrate communities in hydrologically undisturbed mountainous rivers
The Master thesis will be conducted in the frame of the research project ÖkoResch.
One aim of the project is to evaluate restoration measures in hydropeaking affected river stretches. [2020 11 18]
Master Thesis
Hydropeaking - Impacts on aquatic macroinvertebrates and monitoring
The Master thesis will be conducted in the frame of the research project ÖkoResch.
One aim of the project is to evaluate restoration measures in hydropeaking affected river stretches.
2 Master thesis 2021/2022
Analyzing communities in river-floodplain systems
of the Danube –
fish (1. thesis) and
amphibians (2. thesis)
Master Thesis - Glyphosate
Bioaccumulation of Glyphosate and its degradation products in aquatic snails -Effects on growth, survival, activity and metabolism
*Experimental flume approach *
Master thesis 2018/2019
The role of macrophytes in the nutrient cycling of Austrian lowland rivers.
How is the distribution and abundance of macrophytes linked to nutrients, sediments and hydrology and what are the implications?
Master thesis 2018/2019
The effect of Glyphosate on benthic algae,
macroinvertebrates and how this influences
the trophic cascade (05.02.2018)
Master thesis 2018/2019
The effect of dead wood on the colonization
pattern of periphyton (05.02.2018)
Master thesis 2018/2019
The use of benthic algae as indicators for
hydrological stress (hydropeaking) (05.02.2018)
PhD Thesis
Organic carbon cycling in streams: Effects of agricultural land use
The aim of the project is to investigate the influence of agricultural land use on the quantity and quality of DOM inputs to streams and to clarify the effects of this DOM on the aquatic carbon cycling in stream ecosystems at different global warming scenarios.
Master Thesis
Impact of hydropeaking on benthic invertebrates
Assess & observe drift activities of different benthic invertebrate species following abruptly increased flow conditions (hydropeaking). We will test a gradient of different up-ramping speeds as well as different peak flows.
Topics for Master thesis at the BioFrames working group at BOKU IHG and WasserCluster Lunz
Please contact us throughout the year, if you are interested in topics related to the below mentioned topics. Thesis can be in cooperation to any running project or stand-alone thesis based on available resources.
New Master Thesis at WasserCluster Lunz
Topic : "Effects of long-term pollution and/or increasing water temperatures on benthic structures and processes in streams (flume experiments)"
(release date: 09.09.2015)
(release date: 09.09.2015)
New Master Theses at WCL-Lunz
Two new master thesis in the frame of a FWF project and a cooperation between BOKU and WCL are available: "The Effect of Phytoplankton Exudates on Shale Rock organic matter degradation" and "The dissolved organic carbon (DOC) sorption and desorption capacity of shale rock and other terrestrial sources" More infos in the PDF. (release date: 15.07.2015)
Master Thesis: Impact of Hydropeaking on Drift & Colonization of Benthic Invertebrates
Aim: Assess & observe hydropeaking induced drift and colonization patterns of benthic invertebrates.
Time frame: 6-12 month
Location: Vienna; possibly Lunz (field work)
Time frame: 6-12 month
Location: Vienna; possibly Lunz (field work)
New Master Thesis at HyTEC-Lunz
Effects of hydropeaking in terms of drift and stranding of brown trout and grayling in nature-like channels (HyTEC - Hydromorphological and Temperature Experimental Channel)
New Master Thesis at HyTEC-Lunz
Effects of hydropeaking in terms of drift and stranding of brown trout and grayling in nature-like channels (HyTEC - Hydromorphological and Temperature Experimental Channel)
Master Thesis MARS (EU funded project)
“Multiple human pressures
and their impacts on
fish assemblages in the
Austrian DRAVA catchment” (release date: 05.09.2014)
Master Thesis Hydropeaking
Impact of peak flows on benthic invertebrates.
Aim: Assess & observe drift activities of different
benthic invertebrate species following abruptly
increased flow conditions (hydropeaking).
(release date: 01.04.2014)