Univ.-Ass. Mag. Dr. Dominik Wiedenhofer

© Pilo Pichler
dominik.wiedenhofer(at)boku.ac.at +43 1 47654-73729
Institute of Social Ecology (SEC)
Schottenfeldgasse 29
1070 Vienna
Research areas
- Climate change mitigation and resource use
- Environmental aspects of the circular economy
- Nexus of resource use, societal material stocks, services and contributions to wellbeing, as well as waste and emissions (“stock-flow-service nexus”)
- Integrated analysis of production and consumption, footprints of everyday life
- Integrated modelling of supply- and demand-side measures for climate change mitigation and sustainable resource use
- Socio-economic metabolism, industrial ecology, ecological economics
- Dynamic material and energy stock-flow analysis, environmentally-extended input-output analysis, scenarios
Curriculum Vitae | ORCID | Researcher ID | Google Scholar | Research Gate | LinkedIn | Academia | Twitter | Youtube