Board examinations
Guideline for board examinations
Here you find a guideline for board examinations at the Institute of Law. Please read this guideline carefully. If you have any questions, please contact us at law(at)
In order for us to answer your question, please include the following:
- Full name
- Matriculation number
- Name and/or number of the course
- Your issue
The board examination
If your third attempt is negative, you have to take the next examination before a board. The board examination is the fourth and last possible attempt.
Consequences of a negative board examination
If the fourth and last possible examination is not successfully completed, you are banned from studying this study programme at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna. This means you will be exmatriculated and you cannot finish your studies. Please note that this is applicable not only for compulsory subjects but also for module, elective, and free elective subjects!
Procedure of a board examination
Board examinations are oral examinations. They are held before examination boards. A board must be composed of at least three people. One member is appointed as the chairperson of the examination board. All three persons may ask you questions about the content of the course. Oral exams are public, so any person can accompany you to the exam.
Organization of a board examination
If your third attempt of an exam is negative, please proceed as follows:
- Please read first the information of the study services for board examinations here.
- The Department of Educational Policy of ÖH BOKU offers advice for students who need to pass a board examination. It is best to contact ÖH BOKU before your third attempt, but before your board examination at the latest.
- Under no circumstances should you take the board examination without attending the lecture! Attend the lecture in the next possible semester. Some lectures are held both in the winter and in the summer term. If you are unsure which lecture you should attend, please contact law(at)
- Study the content of the lecture thoroughly. We offer comprehensive study material (slides, videos, exercise modules, sample exams, literature recommendations). Borrow the recommended books at the library and use all the available learning materials. Studying only the slides is not enough to pass the exam!
- Arrange an appointment at law(at) to review your last negative exam. We will go through your mistakes with you and answer your questions. You should already understand the material at this time, so you can understand your own mistakes and learn from them.
- Then arrange an appointment with the lecturer to clarify remaining questions. The lecturer is part of the board at your board examination. So please make use of this offer.
- Please take enough time for exam preparation and contact us if you have any questions before you take the exam. You can take the exam anytime and do not need to take it immediately after your third attempt.
Only after completing all of the steps above, contact law(at) to make an appointment for your board examination.
- Please include two or three suggestions in your mail for periods during which you can take the exam. Please note that the application must be submitted three weeks before the exam. We then take care of the appointment, room, and chairperson
- When everything is done, you will receive an email from us with all the information. Please send the application form filled out with this information by e-mail, or come by in person.
- We then take care of all the signatures, and you can pick up your application form in person.
- This application form must then be submitted by you at Study Services.
We wish you good luck for the exam!