Nadja Polzer
Mag. Nadja Polzer
Mag. Nadja Polzer
Nadja Polzer has been a University Assistant at the Department of Law at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna since June 2022. She studied law in Vienna (University of Vienna) and in the course of her studies focused on European law and in particular on environmental law. Besides her studies she was involved in various international projects in the field of climate and environmental protection.
After her studies, she initially worked at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, then switched to the legal profession for several years, where she worked in law firms specializing in public law and, in particular, in plant, energy and environmental law.
Her research focuses on environmental and climate change law and related issues, particularly access to justice. She is currently writing her dissertation on the Aarhus Convention at the University of Vienna.
Address: Feistmantelstraße 4, attic floor, room 23, 1180 Wien
E-Mail: nadja.polzer(at)
Telephone: (+43) 1 / 47654-73613
Consulting times: by arrangement via email