Development process
The development of the BOKU sustainability strategy 2019-2021 began with a kick-off workshop, in which numerous ideas for goals and measures were collected and expectations for the process design were developed.
Building on the kick-off workshop, topic-specific workshops for the areas of teaching, research, operations, organizational culture and exchange with society took place in June and October 2019. In the themed workshops, ideas were further developed and specific goals and measures were developed for the respective areas.
As part of a participatory development process, all members of BOKU were invited to take part in the workshops and help shape the sustainability strategy.
Note on image and video recordings
At events on the BOKU sustainability strategy, photos and / or video recordings including audio recordings are made and used within the legally permissible framework (e.g. § 78 UrhG) and in particular on the BOKU website and in social media channels as well as in print media (e.g. BOKUMagazin) for the purpose to inform the public about the fulfillment of the tasks of the universities (public relations) and to document the activities at the BOKU.