Linda Johnsen received her bachelor’s degree in Microbiology and Genetics at the University of Vienna in 2021. For her thesis internship she joined a group investigating in-vitro alternatives to analyze respiratory challenges at the Medical University of Innsbruck. She completed her Master’s at the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien in 2023. For her thesis internship she joined a group of neuroscientists investigating electrical brain stimulation at the University of Lisbon. In May 2024 she joined the Institute for Cell and Tissue Culture Technology ICTCT at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences to work on the FWF funded project “Prone Adiposity”. This project is a joined project between Medical University Graz, University Vienna and BOKU University. It is coordinated by Assoc. Prof. Ursula Hiden (Medical University Graz) and investigates the programming of neonatal adipose tissue by maternal gestational diabetes. To investigate the inheritability of metabolic disorders like diabetes, hMSCs are isolated from umbilical cords and differentiated into 3D adipose spheroids under physioxic and xeno-free conditions. We at BOKU University / ICTCT focus on the analysis on cell function and viability, while the University of Vienna analyzes the lipidome and the Medical University of Graz analyzes the genome. Furthermore, Prof. Dominik Egger (formerly Post Doc at ICTCT until 2023, Head of Institute Leibniz University Hannover (Germany) is international collaboration partner.