Institut für Molekulare Biotechnologie
At the Institute of Molecular Biotechnology (IMBT) we focus on molecular aspects at the level of genes, RNA, proteins, cells, and organisms that are relevant in biotechnology. Molecular Biotechnology is our strategy to investigate, design, and improve biomolecules and biological systems. Our research is centered on biotechnological applications in accordance with the research strategy of the DBT as well as with the Sustainable Development Goals of our university.
As systems we study viruses, prokaryotes as well as eukaryotes, ranging from model organisms like E. coli to applications in Human. Specific research topics are described in detail on the web pages of our Research Groups.
The IMBT is an integral part of the Department of Biotechnology and Food Sciences (DBL) at the Vienna Institute of BioTechnology (VIBT). We are in close exchange and collaboration with institutes of our department, with the VIBT departments and with the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Experimental and Clinical Traumatology (LBI Trauma).
Leitung und Sekretariat
Adressen & Kontakt
Institut für Molekulare Biotechnologie
Institut für Molekulare Biotechnologie
Muthgasse 18
1190 Wien
Tel.: +43 1 47654 79002
Fax: +43 1 47654 79009