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lab data: maximize & optimize


Chromatography has become an indispensable tool in biotechnological research. The method is frequently used for analytical and preparative processing. Equipment, separation media and auxiliary materials are now highly developed.

The course offers insights into the theoretical principles of chromatography and fundamental relationships for understanding the functionality of new media for high throughput and capacity. The course provides the theoretical tools and offers participants the opportunity to apply them using experimental laboratory data.

The course includes knowledge of the application of chromatographic theory with a particular emphasis on mass transfer and dispersion. It is aimed at professionals who want to extract more information from their chromatographic data, and at doctoral students, postdocs and staff in research laboratories.

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Short Facts

  • Participation Certificate
  • Duration: 1 week
  • Language: English
  • 5 ECTS
  • Participants: 20 max.
  • Participation Fees: 3,520 Euro in case of registration before 31st of March 2025; 3,740 Euro in case of registration after 1st of April 2025; 2,200 Euro for PhD students


next Program Run 29.06.–04.07.2025

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University Continuing Education Program »Protein Chromatography – Engineering Fundamentals and Measurements for Process Development and Scale up«

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for BOKU University Continuing Education Programs (Universitätslehrgänge)


Institute of Bioprocess Science and Engineering
at the Department of Biotechnology (DBT)