XXII International Workshop on Bunt and Smut Diseases
International Workshop on Bunt and Smut Diseases of Cereals | June 13-15, 2023 | BOKU Campus, Tulln, Austria

22nd International Workshop on Bunt and Smut Diseases of Cereals took place in Tulln from June 13 to 15, 2023.
The workshop was gathering public and private sector researchers, plant-pathologists, geneticists, breeders, extension specialists, farmers and users of cereal products to discuss new findings on bunt and smut diseases of cereals and thus contribute to sustainable control and prevention of these bothersome fungal diseases.
17 lectures - including a keynote from David Hole taking us on a journey to the Tilletia land,
9 poster presentations, and
a workshop on resistance genetics and breeding.
Download the Presentations for the
► Bunt and Smut Workshop Program (including download of selected presentations)
Time: June 13-15, 2023
Place: BOKU Campus Tulln, Konrad Lorenz Strasse 24, 3430 Tulln, Austria
The international organizing committee
• Hermann Buerstmayr, BOKU, Austria
• Magdalena Lunzer, BOKU, Austria
• Jinali Chen, University of Idaho, USA
• David Hole, Utah State University, USA
• Margaret Krause, Utah State University, USA
• Veronika Dumalasova, VURV Praha, Czech Republic
• Therese Bengtsson, SLU, Sweden.
• Anders Borgen, Agrologica, Denmark
• Fabio Mascher, Agroscope, Switzerland
• Geoffrey Orgeur, Geves, France
Organizer: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna,
Co-organizer: ECOBREED
The project ECOBREED: “Increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of organic crop breeding” has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 771367.
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For information contact us by email: bunt@boku.ac.at
We gratefully acknowledge the supporters of the bunt and smut workshop
(and your logo could be on display here, just contact us!)