Sessions and Program
XXII Bunt and Smut Workshop Program

XXII International Workshop on Bunt and Smut Diseases | ||
Monday, 12 June 2023 | ||
17:00 | Welcome Meet and Greet (17:00-19:00) Address: Konrad Lorenz Str. 24, 3430 Tulln, Universitäts- und Forschungszentrum Tulln. | |
Tuesday, 13 June 2023 | ||
9:00 | Registration Desk Opens | |
10:00 | Guided Tour of Plant Breeding Research at BOKU Campus Tulln | |
12:00 | Lunch | |
12:30 | Opening of the Workshop | |
13:00 | Session 1 | |
13:00 | Hole, D. | David’s Adventures in Tilletia-land: with apologies to Lewis Carroll |
13:50 | Bengtsson, T. | The stinking comeback – measures to understand the cause of the re-emergence of common bunt in Swedish winter wheat? |
14:15 | Krause, W. | Genomic selection for dwarf bunt resistance in wheat |
14:40 | Lunzer , M. | Wheat (Triticum aestivum) chromosome 6D harbours a major QTL for common bunt resistance present in the Bt11 bunt differential |
15:05 | Joshi, P. | Assessment of Common Bunt and Dwarf Bunt Resistance in Bt-Differential Lines Grown in Diverse Environments |
15:30 | Coffee Break | |
16:10 | Borgen, A. | Determination of virulence of European races of common bunt using a differential set of wheat cultivars |
16:20 | Borgen, A. | Co-evolution of virulence and resistance in heterogeneous wheat populations |
16:30 | Borgen, A. | Annotation of differential lines used for resistance trials for common bunt |
16:40 | Borgen, A. | Gene postulation based on phenotyping wheat varieties with a differential set of virulence races of common bunt (Tilletia caries) |
16:50 | Borgen, A. | Registered varieties and Organic Heterogeneous Material (OHM) with resistance to common bunt in Europe |
Wednesday, 14 June 2023 | ||
9:00 | Session 2 | |
9:00 | Dhillon, G. S. | Candidate gene analysis for the 7DS QTL associated with dwarf bunt resistance of winter wheat using targeted capture sequencing technology |
9:25 | Dumalasová, V. | Reaction of wheat genotypes to Czech common bunt and dwarf bunt samples |
9:50 | Ciuca, M. | A wheat-rye translocation 1AL.1RS involved in wheat resistance to bunt |
10:15 | Coffee Break | |
10:50 | Lunzer, M. | How long does it take to develop high performing and common bunt resistant winter wheat lines using organics-compliant methods? |
11:15 | Fischbach, M.E. | Identification of novel seed treatments and adapted agronomic practices to control common bunt in organic wheat production |
11:40 | Ren, Z. | Microbiome Signature of Endophytes in Wheat Seed Response to Wheat Dwarf Bunt Caused by Tilletia controversa Kühn |
12:05 | Lunch | |
13:50 | Recreation Tour Wachau Valley, Bus departure in front of the University building | |
19:30 | Workshop Dinner: Restaurant Goldenes Schiff, at Wiener Strasse 10, 3430 Tulln. | |
Thursday, 15 June 2023 | ||
9:00 | Poster Session | |
Christensen, D. K. | Genetic Mapping of Common Bunt Resistance Gene Bt1 | |
Christensen, D. K. | Genetic Mapping of Common Bunt Resistance Gene Bt7 | |
Christensen, D. K. | Genetic Mapping of Common Bunt Resistance Gene Bt9 | |
Christensen, D. K. | Genetic Mapping of Common Bunt Resistance Gene Bt10 | |
Christensen, D. K. | Preliminary Genetic Mapping of Common Bunt Resistance Gene Bt13 | |
Christensen, D. K. | Genetic Mapping of Common Bunt Resistance Gene BtZ | |
Lunzer, M. | Genome-wide association mapping identifies common bunt resistance loci in a wheat diversity panel | |
Rabl, J. | Variation in aggressiveness and virulence among eight common bunt sources collected in Austria | |
Steiner, B. | Association genetics of common bunt resistance in Aegilops tauschii – preliminary results | |
Plūme, S. | Loose smut resistant spring barley breeding for organic farming | |
Dumalasová, V. | HealthyMinorCereals spelt diversity panel reaction to rusts, powdery mildew, leaf blotch and common bunt | |
10:00 | Coffee Break | |
10:30 | Breeders' Workshop: all participants | Round table discussion on co-ordinated research ideas and efforts to control bunt and smut diseases |
13:00 | Lunch | |
14:30 | Field Visit at BOKU Campus Tulln: Research on resistance to Fusarium head blight and common bunt of wheat | |
Friday, 16 June 2023 | ||
19:00 | Jazz on Campus - concert at BOKU Tulln Atrium - free admission! |