Rainwater in the city – Vienna is looking for innovative ideas
the Co-Creation LAB Vienna 2019: The winner is ...
As part of the Co-Creation LAB Vienna, the 'Vienna Business Agency - A service offered by the City of Vienna' and the City of Vienna arranged a competition this summer calling for innovative ideas on the topic of 'rainwater in the city'.
More than 20 ideas were examined by a panel of experts and ranked in terms of their innovation. Two ideas of BOKU graduates were rated by the expert jury as particularly noteworthy and awarded the 1st and 3rd prize.
The winners are the group of students ‘kollektive regenwasser '(Andreas Berger, Marlies Macher, Pia Minixhofer, Oliver Weiss), who have come together at the Institute of Soil-Bioengineering and Landscape Construction (BOKU). They were able to convince the jury with their concept of a decision matrix implemented as an interactive web application for planners, builders and interested parties to quickly find tailor-made rainwater solutions for building types and structures in combination with three innovative approaches for rainwater management in the city (load-optimized intensive and extensive retention irrigation, rainwater Cycle in Gründerzeit houses).
The third prize was given to the idea 'StreetTreePlanter'. A consortium made up of companies (GEOplast Kunststofftechnik Ges.mbH, Green4cities GmbH, Weissenböck Baustoffwerk Gesellschaft mbH, IMG Innovation Management Group GmbH) and the Institute of Soil-Bioengineering and Landscape Construction (BOKU) created a concept for the planting of urban trees in plant pots with usage of rainwater for irrigation to make it wesier and cheaper.
The first step has been taken, ideas have been found – now they need to be put into practice so that future rainwater in the city can be put to innovative use.
More information is available here (please leave a link: wirtschaftsagentur.at/veranstaltungen/business-treff-regenwasser-in-der-stadt-praesentation-der-ergebnisse-und-preisverleihung-956/).