Artistic graphic representation of a hand drawing the German word for "diversity" on paper with the index finger. The hand is divided into geometric sections and designed differently in each area.

Diversity at BOKU

At BOKU, diversity is understood as an intersectional concept. Through the diversity strategy Sustainable Diversity, BOKU is committed to fostering a culture of respect and appreciation towards all students and staff.

The BOKU Diversity Strategy (DSB) focuses on six key targets:

  • Equity and Anti-discrimination
  • Accessibility and inclusion
  • Social inclusion
  • Reconciliation of study, work, and other areas of life
  • Generational equity
  • Ethnic Diversity & Antiracism

These targets are linked to eight Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda to strengthen diversity and inclusion within the framework of social sustainability.

BOKU's diversity strategy is implemented in seven key areas: Diversity and University management, Diversity and Study, Diversity and Teaching / Education, Diversity and Research, Diversity and Personnel, Diversity and International, Diversity and Communication.

A central concern is to ensure equal access and opportunities for all students and staff by eliminating barriers and creating a supportive learning and working environment. One of BOKU's core commitments is to actively make diversity visible but also liveable. Therefore BOKU is encouraging everyone to participate in this ongoing process.

Please find further information on diversity at BOKU - for example on gender and diversity skills, inclusive language use or the diversity strategy - under the following link:

Equity at BOKU

Equity work at BOKU is based on the BOKU plans for the advancement of women and gender equality as laid down in the statutes.

BOKU reports regularly on equity and diversity and sets itself important goals in the following areas:

  • Dismantling horizontal and vertical gender segregation
  • Commitment to equal opportunities and career advancement
  • Gender and diversity courses
  • Considering gender criteria in research
  • Gender in STEM-fields
  • Preventing and ending gender-based violence

Please find more information on Equity at BOKU under the following link: 

Inclusion at BOKU

You will soon find detailed information on Inclusion at BOKU here.

Please find more information on Disability and Accessibility under the following link: