Department of Forest- and Soil Sciences BOKU-StartDepartment of Forest- and Soil Sciences This page is available under these URLs: Management and Administration Head of Department Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Karl Stampfer Deputy Univ.Prof. Dr.phil. Sophie Zechmeister-Boltenstern Secretary Ing. Monika Bujdáková Addresses & Contact H91000 Department of Forest- and Soil Sciences Wilhelm-Exner-Haus Peter-Jordan-Straße 82 1190 Wien × show more H91100 Institute of Soil Research (IBF) Franz-Schwackhöfer-Haus Peter-Jordan-Straße 82 1190 Wien × H91200 Institute of Forest Ecology (IFE) Wilhelm-Exner-Haus Peter-Jordan-Straße 82 1190 Wien Contact: Tel.: +43-1-47654-91200 Fax: +43-1-47654-91209 office.ife(at) × H91300 Institute of Silviculture (WALDBAU) Institut für Waldbau Peter-Jordan-Straße 82/II 1190 Wien Contact: office.waldbau(at) weitere Standorte Versuchsgarten, Gustav Hempel Haus Knödelhüttenstraße 37/1.UG 1140 Wien Contact: × H91400 Institute of Forest Growth (WAFO) Wilhelm-Exner-Haus Peter-Jordan-Straße 82/DG 1190 Wien Contact: Tel.: +43-1-47654-91400 instwafo(at) × H91500 Institute of Forest Engineering (FT) Franz-Schwackhöfer-Haus Peter-Jordan-Straße 82/III 1190 Wien Contact: Tel.: +43 1 47654 91500 forsttechnik(at) × H91600 Institute of Forest Entomology, Forest Pathology and Forest Protection (IFFF) Franz-Schwackhöfer-Haus Peter-Jordan-Straße 82/I 1190 Wien Contact: h91600_office(at) Info: Schwackhöferhaus, 1. Stock, Nordost-Seite des Gebäudes. × H91700 Forest Demonstration Centre Lehrforst Zentrum Heuberg 82 7212 Forchtenstein ×