The next Health Day will take place on June 12, 2025 at the Türkenschanze location from 10 am to 4 pm!

We aim to hold the event in accordance with the criteria of the Austrian Ecolabel for Green Meetings/Events.

You will find the detailed program here in time!

BOKU Health Days 2024

We cordially invite all employees and students to the BOKU Health Days 2024, which will take place at the Türkenschanze location in the ILWA and Franz-Schwackhöfer-Haus and are pleased to be able to offer you a wide range of health information, health checks and health advice and workshops again this year.

The Rectorate and the ÖH-BOKU support the Health Days and - together with Healthy BOKU and the Coordination Office for Equality, Diversity and Disability - look forward to your participation!

Take your colleagues with you - it's worth stopping by!

The BOKU Health Days 2024 will be organized according to ÖkoEvent PLUS criteria! Please choose public transportation (bus lines 10A, 37A and 40A) or use a bicycle to get to and from the event! Bicycle parking spaces are available in front of the venue. (If you cannot do without a car or if you arrive by plane, you can offset the resulting CO2 emissions through compensation payments. You can find more information at:


Program and registration 4 June 2024, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., ILWA and online

online workshop “Goodbye to fatigue and concentration problems - practical information and tips on TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) nutrition for everyday (professional/student) life” with Mag.a Petra Pfann

In a lively, interactive lecture, the basic principles of TCM nutrition are explained and questions relating to stress, tiredness and concentration problems, the immune system, intestinal health and much more are dealt with using many examples and practical tips. There will also be plenty of room for individual questions. Documents will be provided after the lecture.

Zoom, 10-12:30 Registration required!

online Vortrag "Mentale Gesundheit durch bewusste Nutzung evolutionärer Überlebensmechanismen - Psychoneuroimmonologie" mit Mag.a Gabriele Hochwarter

Lerne duch Mentales Upgrade deine Stressoren (Säbelzahntiger), Glaubenssätze, Überzeugungen kennen. Verstehe wie dies mit Neuroimmunologie zusammenhängt und nimm dir hilfreiche Methoden mit um deine Gedanken konstruktiv zu lenken und für deinen Alltag zu nutzen.

Zoom, 13-14:30 Registration required!

Workshops “Fit and relaxed through the day with Taiji and Qigong” - with Bruno Balluch

Daoist health exercises and mental self-defense

ILWA SR 24, 10-11 a.m. Registration required! (When registering, please note separate dates for students and staff :-)

ILWA SR 24, 3 - 4 p.m. Registration required! (When registering, please note separate dates for students and staff :-)

Workshop for students “Dealing with crises in everyday student life” with Nadja Springer & Lisa Wessely

Young people are constantly faced with major challenges. Sometimes coping with them is easy, while other stresses lead to a loss of mental balance and thus to crises, which can affect individuals to varying degrees. The differences between crises and how to deal with them successfully are the main focus of this workshop

The following topics will be covered: Crises in the life cycle, stress and stress regulation, studying as a psychological challenge, the most common psychological stresses and psychiatric illnesses, adequate offers of help, etc.

Methods: Information input, discussion and exchange, creative methods

canceld ILWA SR 21, 10-11:30 a.m.

Program and registration June 5, 2024, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., Aula Schwackhöferhaus

10 a.m.: Opening by Vice Rector Mannsberger

BVAEB Health Street (measurements are taken: Blood pressure, pulse, blood sugar, total cholesterol, uric acid, impedance analysis, etc.)

SR 06, 10 am - 4 pm: No registration necessary! (approx. 10 minutes per person)

Hearing test and consultation with Neuroth

SR 07, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. No registration required! (approx. 5 minutes per person)

Please also give other colleagues the opportunity to book a place and register specifically for max. 2 individual examinations - thank you for your understanding!

Melanoma check with Priv. Doz. Dr. med. Nikolaus Duschek, PhD, specialist in dermatology

SR 05, 10 am - 4 pm Registration required! (10 min per person) (When registering, please note separate appointments for students and staff :-)

Please also give other colleagues the opportunity for a place and register specifically for a maximum of 2 individual examinations - thank you for your understanding!

Spine check with MediMouse with Trimedicum

SR 08, 10 am - 4 pm Registration required! (20 min per person) (When registering, please note separate appointments for students and staff :-)

Please also give other colleagues the opportunity for a place and register specifically for a maximum of 2 individual examinations - thank you for your understanding!

Pulmonary function check with DocDay

Diagnostic procedure using spirometry to determine the condition and performance reserves of the lungs. This allows serious lung diseases such as asthma or COPD to be detected at an early stage. The discussion of findings focuses on education and information, connection with lifestyle and prevention.

SR 04, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Registration required! (15 min per person) (When registering, please note separate appointments for students and staff :-)

Armchair Shiatsu with the Shiatsu Company team

Are you stressed, tense, unable to concentrate or simply looking for an “energy shower” in between? Then a taster session of armchair shiatsu is just the thing for you. You can also sit comfortably on the treatment chair in your office clothes.

SR 10, 10 am - 4 pm Registration required! (20 min per person)

SMOOTHIE BIKE - first pedal, then enjoy!

SR 09, 10 am - 4 pm, ingredients on site, no registration required! (time required approx. 10 min per person)

Call for stem cell typing - your stem cell donation can make the difference between life and death: Register as a donor now!

AULA, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. No registration required! (Time required approx. 5 min per person)

Stem cell donations can save the lives of people with life-threatening diseases such as leukemia. Regardless of whether you have ever thought about becoming a potential stem cell donor or would simply like to find out more about it - we cordially invite you to take part in this campaign!

Please register now in advance:

You can find lots of information in a short film or here.

AULA: DIY and information stand essential oils (Young Living) with Manuela Pulkert (mentor for holistic women's health) - tester, DIY “anti-mosquito spray”, DIY “portable air conditioner”, special outdoor oils, information, competition and much more.

AULA: Ringana information stand

The coffee machine in the break room (ground floor Schwackhöferhaus) is open between 09.00-16.00! :-)