These were the "Days of Health" June 4th -5th, 2024

The days were a complete success!

In total, over 400 people took advantage of the wide range of offers (workshops, lectures, individual examinations, BVAEB Health Street, DIY stand and much more). Thanks also to everyone who took part in the Red Cross stem cell typing!

A special highlight was our smoothie bike on which smoothies could be "cycled", with fun and enjoyment! VR Mannsberger was our first cyclist! :-)

Many thanks at this point to the Rectorate and all those involved who supported us during the days!

When the thermometer rises! A few tips ;-)

Heat in offices, but also during outdoor activities, can significantly affect motivation and performance. High temperatures can lead to tiredness, lack of concentration and reduced productivity.

In order to survive working in the heat/sunshine, we recommend

  •     Drink at least two liters of water and avoid coffee, strong sweetened drinks and alcohol.
  •     Eat several small meals throughout the working day in preference to fatty foods. Chilled fruit is particularly refreshing.
  •     Run cold water over the insides of your wrists to cool down, this strengthens your circulation. Cold foot baths are even better.
  •     If possible, close the sunshades in the office so that no direct sunlight enters your office. Nevertheless, there should be enough daylight in your office so that you don't have to rely on artificial light, as this only generates additional heat.
  •     Switch off all devices that you do not need so that you can effectively avoid additional heat generation.
  •     If possible, ventilate your office at regular intervals. Good ventilation is particularly effective in the cool, early morning hours.
  •     The use of fans (e.g. with damp cloths) can reduce the room temperature and help to regulate the temperature.
  •     When working outdoors, make sure you wear the right sun protection (clothing, sun cream, headgear, etc.) and use the right sunscreen.

Nevertheless - despite all the good tips: pay attention to your body's signals and take them seriously.

In extreme temperatures, flexible working hours or a reduction in working hours can help to avoid the hottest hours of the day. See also BV Home office!

With this in mind, we wish you a good summer!


Call for stem cell typing - your stem cell donation can make the difference between life and death: Register as a donor now!

When and where?

  • Wednesday, May 22, 2024, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., Aula Muthgasse II

  • Wednesday, June 5, 2024 as part of the Health Day, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., Schwackhöferhaus auditorium

We are pleased to announce that we will be organizing stem cell donation registration campaigns in cooperation with the Austrian Red Cross!

Stem cell donations can save the lives of people with life-threatening diseases such as leukemia. Regardless of whether you have already thought about becoming a potential stem cell donor or would simply like to find out more about it - we cordially invite you to take part in this campaign!

Please register now in advance:

Here you can find lots of information in a short film or here in the folder.