Die Bodenkultur - Journal for Land Management, Food and Environment
The effect of dicyandiamide-containing nitrogen fertilizers on root crops
2. communication: The effect on grain-malze and potatoes
In three years of field trials with grain-malze the effects of dicyandiamide-containing ammonium-sulfate-nitrate (ASN+DCD) was compared with splitted and unsplitted ammonium-nitrate-lime (A-N-L) at different nitrogen rates under two different climatic and soil conditions. Concerning potato, ASN+DCD was compared with A-N-L and urea on one site with a light soil only. In maize were no differences in yield observed under a rather dry climate; under a more humid climate ASN+ DCD was of advantage. To reach the highest yield in the dry area, 40 kg N/ha were sufficient, under wet conditions 160 kg N/ha were necessary. The economically highest proceeds (expenses of fertilizers deducted) were reached in both areas with nitrogen dressings between 40 and 80 kg/ha. On grain-malze ASN+ DCD was of economic advantage especially under wet weather conditions and only with low nitrogen rates. On a rather light soil potatoes showed clear positive effects in yield, tuber size and starch-yield and economically higher proceeds with the use of ASN+DCD. It is supposed that the advantage of stabilized nitrogen-fertilizers does not depend on the crop as much as on the soil conditions and the amount of precipitation. According to the results of these experiments the use of stabilized nitrogen fertilizers can be recommended for grain-malze under more humid climatic conditions, if low nitrogen rates are used; for potatoes on light soils equal recommendations can be given. Key-words: dicyandiamide, nitrogen fertilizers, potato, maize, nitrification Inhibitor.