Die Bodenkultur - Journal for Land Management, Food and Environment

M. Agegnehu and B. Honermeier:

Effects of Seeding Rates and Nitrogen Fertilization on Seed Yield, Seed Quality and Yield Components of False Flax (Camelina sativa Crtz.)


The influence of seeding rate and nitrogen fertilization on yield efficiency and formation of yield components of false Rax: was investigated over three years under loamy sand soil conditions. On average of all treatments ranges of yields were 11.6 dt/ha in the year 1994 to 18.0 dt/ha in the year 1995. The maximum yield of all treatments was 22.8 dt/ha (120 kg/ha nitrogen, 400 seeds/m2). The formation of the yield components branches/plant, pods/plant, seeds/pod and seed weight/plant was reduced by sowing the higher seeding rate of 800 seeds/ m2. In contrast to the effects of seeding rates, the yield elaboration and formation of its components are positively influenced by the higher doses of nitrogen fertilization. Application of 120 kg/ha nitrogen and sowing of 400 viable seeds per m2 gave a better seed yield and a better proportion between the yield components. Seeding rate and nitrogen fertilizing didn't influence the thousand kernel weight. The oil content of false Rax in the test ranged from 37 to 43 %. The amount of the saturated fatty acids in the fatty acid compositions comprises about 8 %. From all polyunsaturated fatty acids of false flax oil the linolenic acid has had the highest part with 35 %. Key words:  false flax, Camelina sativa, seed yield, yield components, oil content.