Die Bodenkultur - Journal for Land Management, Food and Environment

H. K. Wytrzens:

50 volumes of "Die Bodenkultur" - the history and future of the printed voice of agricultural science in Austria

Dedicated to the long-standing editor; Professor Kurt Ehrendorfer, on the occasion of his 70th birthday


1,488 papers (reports of original research and review articles) have appeared in the first 50 volumes of the journal "Die Bodenkultur". A systematic analysis of these articles gives us an overview of agricultural science research activities in Austria since the Second World War. A statistical appraisal of the 18,740 printed pages (written by 2,503 authors) shows how the emphasis has changed with time, moving from the problems associated with post-war reconstruction through the drive to increase productivity - with the successive dominance of various specialist fields of plant and animal production - to the reorientation of agriculture towards ecological needs. The analysis also shows how the authorship of articles has changed. There has been an increasing trend toward multiple authors, a greater proportion of female authors and a more international perspective. This paper attempts to explain the observed phenomena with the help of a qualitative model which accounts for the environment in which research operates, the motives of potential authors and the characteristics of the journal itself. A consideration of those factors which determine the direction of the publication, together with the history of the journal, allows us to map out the future development of the publication, one which should guarantee the continuing success of this publishing institution. Key words:  publishing, agricultural journals, papers, articles, publications, research institutions.