Die Bodenkultur - Volume 54 / issue 2

G. Dersch, M. Pfeffer and O. H. Danneberg:

Determination of the N mineralization potential of different soils by anaerobic incubation as calibrated in a pot-experiment

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H. Spiegel, G. Zethner, R. Goodchild, M. Dachler and I. Kernmayer:

Cadmium in the Environment – An Austrian review

2nd Report: Soil Balances and Risk Characterisation

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M. Dannowski and A. Wurbs:

Spatial differentiated representation of maximum rooting depths of different plant communities on a field wood-area of the Northeast German Lowland

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M. Wuczkowski, K. Sterflinger, G. F. Kraus, B. Klug and H. Prillinger:

Diversity of microfungi and yeasts in soils of the alluvial zone national park along the river Danube downstream of Vienna, Austria (“Nationalpark Donauauen”)

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K.-G. Bernhardt, M. Koch, M. Spitzer and K.-F. Schreiber:

Lack off reed colonization after river dislocation near Bremen Germany)

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W. Schneeberger and M. Eder:

Influence of direct payments on the farm classification system

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M. Greimel, F. Handler, M. Stadler and E. Blumauer:

Method of determination of farm individual and national work load of the Austrian Agriculture

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