Die Bodenkultur - Journal for Land Management, Food and Environment

M. Greimel, F. Handler, M. Stadler und E. Blumauer:

Methode zur Ermittlung des einzelbetrieblichen und gesamtösterreichischen Arbeitszeitbedarfes in der Landwirtschaft


The aim of the paper was to calculate the farm specific work load of the Austrian agriculture that allows to use working time as an instrument to improve direct and indirect payments to farmers. Standard working procedures and standard mechanisation for all relevant Austrian farm types and sizes were modelled. Working hours for this standardised procedures as well as machine hours were taken from Austrian, German and Swiss data pools. Individual farm size and animal data were gathered from INVEKOS (= farm specific data given by the farmers to apply for direct payments). Data of slope gradients of the fields were taken from the “Berghöfekataster”. Standard work load of 156.167 Austrian farms, thereof 119.413 livestock keeping farms were calculated. Data represented 2,141.009 cattle, 1,907.833 pigs, 225.422 sheeps, 37.303 goats, 58.919 horses and 10.487.904 poultry together with 930.369 ha grassland and 1,357.394 ha arable land. Standard work load did not include labour for wine, fruit and vegetable growing and no working hours for forest work were taken into account. Additionally working hours for sporadic work e.g. repair of machines, management, training, were not taken into consideration in this project. Key words: standard mechanisation, standard working procedures, working time requirement, work load.