Die Bodenkultur - Volume 63 / issue 1

E. Murer, I. Sisák, A. Baumgarten and P. Strauss:

Assessing subsoil compaction on arable land in the alpine forelands of Austria

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O. Nestroy and H.-J. Ulonska:

Soil assessment for land taxation – chances and risks of harmonisation in a European context

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R. Mansberger, G. Navratil, G. Muggenhuber and C. Twaroch:

Is Good Governance in Land Administration Measurable and Comparable?

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M. Horacek:

Christmas tree production in Europe: Control of declared geographical origin by stable isotope analysis – a pilot study

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Book review

Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften:

Pflanzenzucht und Gentechnik in einer Welt mit Hungersnot und knappen Ressourcen (Ruckenbauer)

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G. Abart, J.Ernst und C. Twaroch:

Der Grenzkataster: Grundlagen, Verfahren und Anwendungen (Stania)

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