Die Bodenkultur - Journal for Land Management, Food and Environment

W. Aufhammer, E. Kübler and H.-P. Piepho:

Yield potential of ancient wheat species


Under different levels of production intensity the yield response of the ancient wheat species Triticum spelta, T. monococcum, T. dicoccum and T. turanicum (“Kamut”) were to be compared to the yield response of a cultivar of today’s widely spread T. aestivum. Beyond the comparison of pure wheat stands, mixed stands combining T. turanicum and T. aestivum should be examined for possible mixing effects. The investigations were based on a three-year field trial comprising pure and mixed stands under four combinations of N fertilization and plant protection measures. In all plots the above-ground dry matter yield (grain + straw), the harvest index and the grain dry matter yield were determined. Provided that the pure stands of the ancient wheat species were not seriously affected by lodging or diseases, their grain yields under high production intensity relatively improved in a similar extent as the pure stands of T. aestivum. In this context, ‘relatively’ means in relation to the species-specific yield levels under low production intensity. The results were not valid for the stands of T. monococcum. Especially on the upper intensity levels the mixed stands revealed positive mixing effects on grain yield. Key words: Ancient wheat species, grain yields, pure and mixed stands.