About us
A multitude of BOKU institutes and task groups do research on energy. All aspects of energy transition are covered by scientists of the various BOKU departments: reduction of energy demand; renewable energy supply; currently discussed technologies of energy provision, distribution and storage; their spatial integration in landscapes as well as impact and risk assessment. The BOKU-Energycluster is a BOKU-wide institute- and department-spanning platform which aims to improve intern networking and the display of BOKU's energy research. Capacities and expertise in research and education are to be extended through communication and exchange of knowledge between researchers of different institutes. Furthermore, the Cluster seeks to enhance the BOKU's profile as Austria's first contact on energy transition and represents BOKU's energy research nationally and internationally (e.g. in the context of the European University Association EUA). Thus it acts as BOKU's reception center for external requests on energy research. Also, it organises public events and advanced training to spread new research insights amongst society. If you have questions on various energy research related topics we will gladly redirect you to the proper research group.
Coordination: Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Gernot Stöglehner You can contact the BOKU-Energycluster via: energiecluster(at)boku.ac.at