Images are displayed directly in their original size with this setting. You can also link the picture. In addition to the layout, you can also change the heading of the element; in the examples below Heading 2 is always set.

IIn the first example you will find more information about the image properties.

Text & Images: above text – layout "default"

Notes on the image

In the tab "images" you can also enter meta data for the image and a link:

  • field "Title": Text is read out as mousover text; the copyright maintained in the file list also appears here
  • field "Alternative Text": Text will be displayed when the image is not loaded
  • field "Link": internal or external linking to the entire image area
  • field "Description (Caption)": text is displayed as a link under the image

Note on "Copyright" and "Alternative Text"

Maintain the copyright and the formal image description directly in the file list in the tabs "General" under Accessibility and "Meta data" under Copyright per image. This information should be stored for each image; in case of multiple use, you do not have to enter the meta data several times in the page area.

Text & Images: above text – layout "white teaser"

  • The entire element, including the heading, has a white background.
  • The previously mentioned image hints apply to all layouts.