Text & media BOKU-StartBOKU UniversityWorking at BOKU UniversityServicesIT ServicesBe informedBOKUweb This page is available under these URLs: https://boku.ac.at/en/boku-it/themen/be-informed/bokuweb/bokuweb-with-typo3/overview-content-elements-in-typo3/typical-page-content/text-media https://short.boku.ac.at/oy4vpy The element "text & media" allows you to include a video, optionally also including text. You can either link to a video file or embed a URL. Neues Content-Element "Text & Media" Content-Element befüllen Media File oder ULR hinzufügen Example video with link to URL Note If video files are stored in the sercure filelist, problems may occur when displaying them.