BOKUprint Charging
Use at the Organizational Unit's Expense
As IT manager of a BOKU organizational unit via the account manager you have the possibility to change the following settings for all BOKUaccounts that by default are not set:
- "Use of printers at the organizational unit's costs (BOKUprint, iPrint)"
The IT manager can provide this option for a staff member within his organizational unit or any other user (BOKUaccount). This could, for example, also be a student or a functional account. It needs to be noted that this also grants the right to use all BOKUprint units in the set operation mode and not only those units of a specific organizational unit! Should you not wish to grant this right for a student, you as the IT manager naturally also have the option to make use of the well-tried functional account. You may request a BOKUcard for this functional account as well.
For the detailed charging modalities and prices please contact the facility management:
A detailed list on this type of use can be viewed by everyone via the BOKUaccount. For departments by the respective head via the following link: