Thesis abstracts search

Brief Description
How to search for thesis and master thesis of BOKU students.
The master thesis, diploma thesis and doctoral thesis of BOKU students can be found on the Internet.
You can find them with the following methods:
- with a general Internet search like Google, Yahoo, Bing etc.,
- with the standard abstracts search at the BOKU,
- with the advanced abstracts search at the BOKU,
- in den the library catalogs of the BOKU and of the Austrian universities.
Standard abstracts search
The standard abstracts search uses Google technology. Here you find the standard abstracts search: If a standard search for a word that contains German umlaut characters ä ö ü ß fails, try a new search with ae oe ue ss in place of ä ö ü ß.
Advanced abstracts search
With the advanced abstracts search you can search seperately for the various date fields of the database: first name and last name of the author and of the supervisor, title of the thesis, keywords, institute, year of publication. You can find the advanced search with a link at the bottom of the standard search or directly here: In the advanced search, German umlaut characters can be entered directly as ä ö ü ß or by their replacement texts ae oe ue ss. In either case, the advanced search will find words that contain the umlaut characters as well as words that contain the replacement characters.
Which information can be found? The bibliographical data can be found for all thesis’. In addition, the abstracts in German and English and the full text can be found if the author has granted the publication permission. When can a thesis be found? The thesis can be found when the abstracts entry process has been completed and when the BOKU library has releases the data. Please note that it may take some additional weeks until the data can actually be found with Google and other searching facilities, after having rebuilt the search indices. Who can find the thesis? Everybody in the world can use the searching facilities mentioned above over the Internet. In addition, the author and the supervisor of a thesis can access the information within the abstracts data entry application after logging in into this application – even before completion of the data entry process. Which thesis can be found? The abstracts search delivers all BOKU thesis that were completed by BOKU students as the final thesis of their studies at the BOKU since 2007, and additionally many of the thesis completed between 1995 and 2007 and a few ones from before 1995. In addition, the BOKU research information system FIS contains information about the thesis’ that were supervised by each BOKU scientist.