Thesis abstracts data entry

Brief Description
Data entry in order to publish the BOKU thesis on the Internet
The abstracts and, if possible, also the full texts of the master thesis and doctoral thesis of the BOKU students shall be published on the Internet. Therefore, the students and their supervisors have to enter some additional information with the help of the so-called abstracts application, in addition to the information that is stored by the students’ registration office in the central BOKUonline system.
The abstracts application is protected by log-in. If you log in as a BOKU student, you can access your own thesis. If you log in as a BOKU staff member, you can access those thesis’ which are supervised by yourself or by your colleagues in your institute. If you are both a BOKU student and a BOKU staff member, then you have to switch within the application whether you want to use the application as a student for your own thesis or as a staff member for the thesis that are supervised by you.
Normal sequence of actions
Before carrying out the final thesis:
- Step 1: The student registers the thesis in the Study services. The Study services enter the data and generate a data set for this thesis or master thesis.
Please contact: studienservices(at)
After completion of the thesis, before graduation:
- Step 2: The student enters the data.
- Step 3: The supervisor checks the data,
- releases the data if everything is correct,
- or returns the data set to the student by removing the checkmark at 'Freigabe AutorIn' (see screenshot).
- Step 4: The student brings a signed printout and the printed copies of the thesis to the Study services. The Study services office enters some additional data like the final title of the thesis and the publication date.
After graduation:
- Step 5:
The BOKU service units protect the intellectual property rights, enter the thesis into the library and publish the data via the Internet. This may take a few weeks. - Step 6:
Everybody can search and find the published information on the Internet and in the abstracts search application and in the library catalogues. - Finished!
Special cases
If necessary (patent registration, publishing company, non-disclosure-agreement or other reasons), the student is allowed to restrict the publishing permissions or to inhibit its publication (“Sperrantrag”).
Detailed instructions
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
2000 characters including blanks?
Changes of Thesis title and publication date
The title of the thesis and the publication date are wrong, but I cannot correct them. These data fields will be entered by the Study Services, when you apply there and hand in the printed copies of your thesis (step 4). During the abstracts data input and release (steps 1 to 3), you do not have to worry about these data fields. If you want a printout that contains the correct title, you can generate a new printout after the students’ registration office has entered the title.
Changes after the student's approval
Corrections after the supervisor’s approval
The supervisor has released the data set, but some more corrections are necessary. The the supervisor has to contact Study Servcies: studienservices(at)
Study Services will switch off the checkboxes "released by the author" and "released by the supervisor", and then the student and the supervisor have to correct the data and to release the data set again and to bring the corrected printout to the students’ registration office.
External supervisor without BOKU account
The (first) supervisor does not work at the BOKU and therefore has no BOKU account and cannot log in into the abstracts application. The student has to release the thesis after having performed all corrections that were requested by the supervisor. Then, the supervisor has to send an e-mail to the BOKU IT hotline (in order to provide a written documentation of the correction wish): boku-it(at)
The BOKU IT service will switch on the checkbox and "released by the supervisor", as requested by the supervisor.