The Austrian Students' Union is the official representative of students at Austrian universities. All students enrolled at an Austrian university are automatically members of the Austrian Students' Union. The student union fee is 18 € per semester. This compulsory fee allows the Austrian Students' Union to remain politically and financially independent, set its tasks according to the needs of students and diligently do its work. Moreover, a liability and personal accident insurance is included in the student union fee. The Austrian Students' Union offers its members many advantages: from copy and printer chip cards, to the "cafeteria sticker" with which students get a discount on food offered at the cafeteria, to useful brochures and calendars to scripts and exam questions.
About 100 students voluntarily work for ÖH BOKU. They are highly motivated and organize numerous courses and events especially tailored for BOKU students. Among those are ÖH BOKU's first-year students tutorial at the beginning of the semester, the Introductory Counselling and Info Day which is organized together with BOKU4you.
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