Launch Event Tulln 20.10.2022

On October 20, 2022, the two BOKU Core Facilities in Tulln, Analysis of Lignocellulosics (ALICE) and Bioactive Molecules: Screening and Analysis (BMoSA), were officially opened.

After initial remarks by Vice Rector Univ.Prof. Mag. Dr. Christian Obinger, National Council Member Johann Höfinger, Mayor Mag. Peter Eisenschenk, and Angelika Weiler, Head of Technopol Tulln, keynote speaker Dr. Christian Patermann gave a passionate and multi-faceted overview of the future development of the global and local bioeconomy.

Afterwards, the two Tulln-based Core Facilities ALICE and BMoSA were introduced by their operational heads and deputies.

Interested visitors were also able to gain insight into the laboratory premises.

Foto- & Videocredit: Medienstelle BOKU-IT