The Doctoral School ABC & M will benefit from eight members affiliated at five departments/ institutes at three Austrian Universities. Overall, the faculty of ABC & M consists of two female and six male researchers. The researchers of ABC & M are heading BOKU´s four major industrially supported research projects in the field of biorefineries, Wood K-plus, FLIPPR-II and WoodC.A.R, as well as the ACIB´s area of polymer biotechnology. These and other peer-reviewed, third-party funded projects form the fundament of the research activities of ABC & M.

Our interdisciplinary program arises from a mutual conviction that a single discipline is unable to address the identified challenges: The research network in the proposed doctoral program covers the entire spectrum of chemical and material science aspects from the plant raw material to chemicals and materials derived from them, and from the molecular level to the resulting product, joining experts in the respective fields together.
Conversion Technologies
From renewable materials such as wood and annual plants, the starting materials are obtained by various conversion techniques.
The starting materials, but also their modifications on their way to novel products are monitored by advanced analytical approaches to provide insight into their composition, but also to establish structure-property-application relationships.
Results generated in this process may as well be novel chemicals (platform, bulk or special), materials, innovative applications, new analytical methodology or novel technologies.