Assessing land-system change and its impacts on ecosystem patterns and processes

Project assigned to: Sarah Matej
Supervisor: Karlheinz Erb

Contested Power Plants. Environmentalism and Energy System in Austria’s long 1970s

Project assigned to: Sophia Rut
Supervisor: Martin Schmid

E-waste as forgotten material dimension of digitalization 

Project assigned to: Nora Krenmayr 
Supervisor: Christoph Görg 

Household energy services derived from cooking and their interrelations with material stocks and flows. A socio-ecological case study in Ethiopia.

Project assigned to: Harald Grabher
Supervisor: Helmut Haberl

Rethinking Food System: How to Make Food Systems apt for Sustainable CE

Project assigned to: Astghik Sahakyan
Supervisors: Fridolin Krausmann / Willi Haas

Slicing up the social metabolism with physical input-output techniques: Methodological considerations about the ins and outs of global environmental input-output analysis in social ecological research

Project assigned to: Hanspeter Wieland
Supervisor: Nina Eisenmenger

Simulating Land Users’ Climate Change Adaptation: An Agent-Based Modelling Approach

Project assigned to: Bertsch-Hörmann Bastian
Supervisor: Karlheinz Erb, Veronika Gaube

Stock-driven material flow account­ing from bulk to scarce materials for prospective scenarios in the context of service-provisioning

Project assigned to: André Baumgart
Supervisor: Fridolin Krausmann

The EU Bioeconomy and Future Resource Patterns: An Institutional Analysis from the Perspective of a Social-Ecological Transformation 

Project assigned to: Benjamin Fleischmann 
Supervisor: Christoph Görg 

The European Green Deal – real transformation or continued environmental load displacement?

Project assigned to: Daniel Gerdes
Supervisor: Fridolin Krausmann

Towards a more comprehensive Sustainability Assessment of livestock agriculture: The example of alpine dairy production

Project assigned to: Martin Seiringer-Gaubinger
Supervisor: Werner Zollitsch

Tree seed production as a future niche innovation and contribution to smallholder forest farmers’ livelihoods in Austria

Project assigned to: Martina Perzl
Supervisor: Georg Gratzer