E-Mail: Misbahudin MISBAHUDIN

Project: Investigation and Characterization of Landslides in Volcanic Soils Triggered by Rainfall in West Bandung, Indonesia

Supervisor: Christian Zangerl, Department of Landscape, Water and Infrastructure

GERSTNER Reinhard 

E-Mail: Reinhard Gerstner

Project: The Role of Brittle Rock Mass Fracturing in Rock Slope Instabilities

Supervisor: Christian Zangerl, Department of Landscape, Water and Infrastructure

HOANG The Trung 

E-Mail: The Trung Hoang

Project: Evaluate the suitability of citizen science approaches for forest fire management in central Vietnam

Supervisor: Harald Vacik, Department of Ecosystem Management, Climate and Biodiversity


E-Mail: Meike Jungnickel

Project: Climate Change Adaptation in Rural Mountain Regions: A Resilience Perspective

Supervisor: Ulrike Pröbstl-Haider, Department of Landscape, Water and Infrastructure

KLAUS Vinzent 

E-Mail: Vinzent Klaus

Project: Mesoscale analysis of heavy thunderstorms using a rapid-update X-band weather radar

Supervisor: Rieder Harald, Department of Ecosystem Management, Climate and Biodiversity

KUHNEN Katrin 

E-Mail: Katrin Kuhnen

Project: Evaluating fire modelling approaches for estimating forest fire behaviour in European mountain forests

Supervisor: Harald Vacik, Department of Ecosystem Management, Climate and Biodiversity


E-Mail: Erik Kuschel 

Project: Application of multi-temporal remote sensing techniques for the monitoring and process analysis of landslides affected by climate change

Supervisor: Christian Zangerl, Department of Landscape, Water and Infrastructure


E-Mail: Lukas Prandstätter

Project: Assessing the impact of climate change on the formation of rock fall, rock avalanches and rock slides

Supervisor: Christian Zangerl, Department of Landscape, Water and Infrastructure

PULKA Thomas 

E-Mail: Thomas Pulka

Project: Snow hydrologic modelling for operational reservoir management in high-alpine catchments 

Supervisor: Karsten Schulz, Department of Landscape, Water and Infrastructure


E-Mail: Tobias Schöffl 

Project: Application of pulsed Doppler high-frequency radar to analyze the characteristics of debris flows and achieve insights into their flow dynamics

Supervisor: Johannes Hübl, Department of Landscape, Water and Infrastructure


E-Mail: Anita Zolles

Project: Analysis of the effects of drought events on the radial stem growth of three different tree species in Austria

Supervisor: Sonja Vospernik, Department of Ecosystem Management, Climate and Biodiversity