Annual Retreat 2024

September 9-11, 2024, Reichenau an der Rax (Marienhof)
Annual Retreat 2023

End of August 2023, 18 members of the DocSchool HADRIAN (Hazards and Risks in Alpine Regions under Global Change) of the BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna visited the Environmental Research Station Schneefernerhaus (UFS) during their annual Retreat.
The objective of HADRIAN is to advance the process understanding of hazards in alpine regions, e.g. regarding floods, droughts, heavy precipitation events, forest fires, landslides, rockfalls and debris flows as well as avalanches, and their cascading effects (multi-hazards) as well as related risks and impacts for socio-economic systems. The topics thus fit perfectly with the research fields that are also being investigated and advanced at the Environmental Research Station Schneefernerhaus. The participants gained a comprehensive insight into diverse research topics and groups at the UFS. Highlights were that Prof. Krautblatter explained permafrost investigations on site in the tunnel system and Dr. Vogelmann demonstrated the stratospheric lidar in his laboratory. In addition, a field trip to the DWD weather station at the summit of the Zugspitze was scheduled, and Dr. Till Rehm provided a very good, all-encompassing tour of the UFS.
Internally, the research status of the respective PhD students was discussed in detail after their presentations in specific world cafés. Moreover, Students and Faculty Meetings were held and upcoming activities and goals of the DocSchool for the coming year
Annual Retreat 2022