Intermittent streams are estimated to account for over 50% of the global river network, which highlights their significance (Datry et al., 2014; Messager et al., 2021). These systems are commonly associated with Mediterranean river systems. But nowadays, due to climate change and human activities, such flow regimes can also be found in Central Europe (Datry et al., 2014; Skoulikidis et al., 2017; Straka et al., 2021; Piniewski et al., 2022). As the spread of intermittent flows is strongly connected to climate change, the number of these systems is expected to increase due to the frequency of extreme events such as droughts (Dai, 2011; Prudhomme et al., 2014). These shifts in hydrological systems present challenges for dynamic systems like intermittent flows, as drought's immediate and long-term ecological impacts still remain under-researched in Central Europe, particularly in lowland areas where their presence increases (Bogan et al., 2014; Verdonschot et al., 2015; Stubbington et al., 2018). As the number of intermittent flows grows (Datry et al., 2014), changing the way how they are studied and managed is important. This includes understanding their unique ecological characteristics on the one hand and their role in socioeconomics like human water supply and food production.

All those changes in the global water cycle majorly impact how we manage water resources. Intermittent rivers are very important for nutrients cycle, maintaining biodiversity, and supporting ecosystem services, but they are often left out of traditional monitoring systems. Biomonitoring frameworks are primarily designed for rivers with perennial flow (Reyjol et al., 2014; Stubbington et al., 2018). They need to be improved to better handle the specific hydrological and ecological features of intermittent flow systems so their ecological health under anthropogenic impact can be properly assessed (Prat et al., 2014; Soria et al., 2020). Currently, they do not detect ecological impacts like pollution in intermittent flow systems (Munné & Prat, 2011; Mazor et al., 2014; Stubbington et al., 2018; Messager et al., 2021).

Macroinvertebrates play a crucial role in assessing the ecological quality of water bodies by analyzing their taxonomic richness and abundance. They are used as bioindicators in ecological assessments of water bodies due to their high sensitivity to environmental changes and ability to reflect the effects of different pressures (Stoica et al., 2014; Ramos-Merchante & Prenda, 2017; Miliša et al., 2022). Their responses to different pressures and hydrological changes have been used to develop indices like the Biodrought Index (BI), which assesses drought impacts on benthic communities using taxa traits, abundance, and drying tolerance (Straka et al., 2019). Furthermore, indices like The Drought Effect of Habitat Loss on Invertebrates (DEHLI) index (Chadd et al., 2017) and The Monitoring Intermittent Streams (MIS) index (England et al., 2019), which evaluate species' resilience and habitat preferences under varying drought conditions (Chadd et al., 2017; Straka et al., 2019) were developed.

This research will focus on understanding the ecological impacts of intermittent flow in river systems through field sampling, laboratory analysis, and statistical modelling. Fieldwork will be conducted in Styria on several case-study sites, where macroinvertebrate and eDNA (environmental DNA) samples will be collected to evaluate their community structure, functional traits, and biodiversity assessment.

The main research questions of this PhD thesis are: 

  1. How do drought conditions and aquatic systems' connectivity and fragmentation patterns affect benthic communities' diversity and functional metrics related to resistance and resilience, including biological assessment indices?

  2. What are the seasonal patterns of organismic responses and linked metrics (for example, taxonomic richness and abundance, the proportion of indicator taxa, body flexibility, and feeding type) to hydrological cycles, and how do these patterns enhance our understanding of resilience and resistance strategies in aquatic ecosystems?

  3. How do the connectivity of gene flow and interconnections within metapopulations differ between selected species typical of intermittent and permanent flow?

  4. Can indicative macroinvertebrate communities be effectively screened and tested as early warning indicators for drought-risk assessment in smaller catchments, where drying phenomena are largely unknown? Moreover, can this biological classification be validated by hydrological data?

Within the HR21 framework, this research positions itself in the research field of extreme events. It most strongly relates to research clusters of “vulnerability” by identifying thresholds at which benthic communities and ecosystem services are compromised under drought stress, providing tools for early-warning indicators of drought conditions. In addition, this research connects with the research cluster “connectivity” by assessing fragmentation and its impact on biodiversity and gene flow in intermittent systems. Furthermore, during extreme events, the metabolic processes of ecosystems, such as nutrient cycling and primary production, are disrupted, aligning this research within the “metabolism” cluster (Hein et al., 2021).


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